Potential Wolf Sightings
by Joanne, Laurie and other readers
(Collingwood, Greenville RI, Cayuga, Norfolk County, Summertown, Ottawa, Dunville)

One of our readers from Collingwood said ... I have spotted Coyotes way too many times in Toronto and the GTA and up north of course. In regards to Wolves, the first time I spotted one was on a farm field many years ago while passing Woodbridge. I have been telling everyone that I know about Wolves in Ontario yet nobody seems to believe me. Wolves do exist in Ontario!
Another reader write - the Lone Wolf ... I was just finishing up cutting one of my customers lawn in Greenville, Rhode Island when I spotted what looked like a gray wolf in her backyard woods. It was the size of a German Shepherd perhaps bigger. I started to walk towards it but ran off into the woods. This was bigger than a coyote. Maybe it was a coy wolf? But looked more like a Timber Wolf or Gray Wolf. It was larger than a German shepherd but had a wildness about this wolf! Could it have been the hound of the Baskervilles? Really was a gorgeous creature with black & brown fur!!!! And a touch of gray!!! Would love to have this creature as a pet.
A reader from Cayuga wrote ... Wolf in Cayuga Ontario possibly. My husband was out hunting and was followed by a large wolf-like animal he said it was healthy and about 110 pounds. It comes by to see him whenever he’s out. He’s very smart. He has even heard howls. January 2022 Grey Wolf sighting in my driveway from Springvale, I was standing out front of our home around 3:00 pm last Tuesday near Hagersville when from behind a shed we have beside our driveway, a Grey Wolf walked briskly to our driveway then bounded with a few leaps across our front lawn to the neighbours. It kept going across the fronts of all the home until it rounded a corner of a home and went back into my bush lot again. I’ve seen larger tracks around the property this year and I was laying it off as a large dog maybe or a large coyote. That’s until I saw this wolf. It seemed like it’s done this before and was quite comfortable being out in the open.
Joanne ... Grey Wolf sighting - I live on a farm in Norfolk County close to Port Dover and I saw what looked like a Coyote but was double the size running along the fence line of our property. I’ve seen many Coyotes in our area and this was NOT a Coyote. My guess is that this was a Grey Wolf.
Laurie from Montreal said ... Summerstown, Ontario Wolf - On September 28, 2022, at 7:45 am. I was driving with my son and a large tan color Wolf ran across the 401 in front of my car in the right lane. I was going 120 km. It was really running really fast. At first, I thought it was a Coyote but it was too big. I saw a Coyote on the golf course a couple of years ago and this was much larger. This was a big animal.
One of our readers from Ottawa reported ... Wolf on Fallowfield and Hélène Campbell Road ... I was out walking my small dog after dark. Lots of other owners were walking their pets. I felt safe, had a flashlight then we heard howling. Not yipping but actual howls. I saw two cop cars parked in the Cedarview parking lot and ran to them. They had heard the howls and saw what looked like a large husky at one point on Jockvale Road. I waited . We talked. Felt safe to cross the Cedarview Alliance Church field and them I saw it. I grabbed my dog, Football, held her while I ran back to the first cop car while the second cop car tried to chase it away from us. I have lived in Barrhaven my whole life. I've seen foxes, coyotes and wolves. I have never been chased by any before and strongly advise people to exercise caution after dusk. Thank GOD for those two cops being there, protecting us and getting us home safely. Just to be clear we heard at least two others howling while one came at us.
A reader wrote ... I was just out in the open field on the outskirts of Dunnville, Ontario walking my French Bulldog when I saw a Grey Wolf come out of the forest into the opening but he stayed alone the edge of the forest. They're quite stealthy. He must have smelled me or my dog because he ran just to the inside of the forest but I could still see him although he stayed quite still. I hear them howling around dusk.