Possums of Autumn
by Shane Ronald, Stewart Leese, Sandy, Andrew Bailey, Betty, Stephanie Wilson, Sharon Chapman, Kevin Walters, Michelle, Sheila, Elaine, Edwina, Claire
(Etobicoke, Burlington, Mississauga, Whitby, Markham, Toronto, Courtice, Stoney Creek, Scarborough, Schomberg, Coburg, North York, Bramalea, Oakville)
Southern Ontario Possum
Last August Shane Ronald from Etobicoke wrote to say ... a Possum was on our fence at 11:30 pm and my dog was going crazy growling and barking, so now l have to take my dog on the leash when l get home from work at 11 pm so she won't bark and wake up the neighbors. l still hear something at night by my back shed but l don't know what to do. Should l call the SPCA or cage it myself. My small dogs will get killed for sure if they go to it at night, because they don't know what it is . What should l do? The neighbors have a small dog also and l told them be aware.
Stewart Leese wrote ... Just saw my first Possum that has taken up residence under my ground-level wooden deck in Burlington, Ontario in the Tyandaga area. My dog has been sniffing around the deck and I thought it may have been a rabbit as they too have been taking up space in my backyard. These aren't the prettiest things but I understand they aren't that dangerous, but I need to keep my dog away for both of their best interests. I do live on a ravine so it's not surprising. We've had all sorts of interesting animals wander through our yard. Deer with their fawns, Hawks, Snapping Turtles, Raccoons, Owls, Bats, Skunks, Garter Snakes, Gophers, Fox and their kits (very cute when they play) and yes we've even seen the odd Coyote. Each species has had it's year of dominance at one time or another, but happy to see them all as long as we respect each others space. Next time I'll have my camera ready to photo the little guy. Mr. Possum ... stay away from Miss dog. Miss Dog, stay away from Mr Possum.
Sandy from Mississauga said ... I was trying to feed a feral kitten in our back yard and found a young Possum eating the cats food.
Also, found a dead (hit by car) one on our street a couple of nights ago ;(
Andrew Bailey from Whitby said ... on Aug 23 2016, while driving, we slowed down as an animal was scurrying across the road. Initially we thought it was a skunk, till it looked at us, then turned tail and slowly scampered away.
Sharon Chapman, also from Whitby wrote ... I was out on my back porch around 9:30 pm and a Possum was walking on the top of our fence. It was the first sighting for me but our neighbour has been seeing them for the past few years.
One of our readers said ... Aug 25 in Markham ... I saw 2 Possums last year, and last night (Aug 24/16) another one of good size. It had already gone through my recycling bin and pulled stuff out.
Betty from Toronto reported ... I just saw one in my backyard tonight and about one month ago I spotted an albino Possum walking down Montgomery Road in the middle of the day.
A reader said ... I was leaving for work early this morning and a Possum crossed the street right in front of me. I have lived here for 10 years and have never seen one in my neighbourhood before!
Stephanie Wilson from Courtice said ... around 10 pm I saw a white Possum run into my garden to hide, then it ran out again somewhere.

Last September a reader from Stoney Creek, Ontario, said ... Turned on the front light and it slowly ambled away... seems to be rooting in the garden.
Kevin Walters, from downtown Toronto said ... I just saw one in my backyard off Eastern Ave in Leslieville, eating some leftover cat food.
Michelle from Scarborough said ... I was sitting out on the patio in my backyard when I saw something moving. At first I thought that it was a Skunk, but I took a better look and I saw something I had never seen before. I didn't have time to take a pic before it was gone, so I went in to look on the web....
A reader from Schomberg, Ontario reported seeing a Possum sitting outside ... I saw him at 5 am on Monday and the little bugger ran over my feet! I thought it was my cat till it ran into the garden!
Sheila M from Coburg said ... my neighbour has a north bank to her house and they were discovered burrowing into the embankment. I saw one on my deck last night (2:30 am – 18/Sept/2016). Weather was very very humid (24 c). I also have "neighbourhood" raccoons visit every night. One just had babies (2). Wonder how cats react to possums? My cat is okay with Raccoons (challenges them!!)
Sept 19 Elaine from North York ... I spotted a Possum in North York tonight. It looked like a large rat and I almost ran it over as it darted into the intersection of Drewry and Chelmsford.
Sept 20 In the C section of Bramalea, Ontario. I have seen this Possum almost every night - in my backyard and near the trees of my neighbours front yard. It has a really long tail and seems unconcerned when I make a sound!
Edwina had a Possum on her deck looking for food, she said ... I live in Oakville and as my motion detector light went on I saw a Possum. It is still walking around my deck.
Sept 21 Claire wrote to say ... I was driving home at night was surprised to see that the pile of leaves in the centre of the road was a little Possum! I think he was on his way to the nearby apple orchard for a moonlight feast!
Thank you all for your reports, and my apologies for the delay in publishing them ... we receive many reports of animal sightings daily, and it sometimes takes a while for me to publish them all.
I will be posting this on our facebook page.