Possums around Ontario
by Rita Paquet, Mary, Malott, Susan Campbell, Paul, Sharon,
(Richmond Hill, Toronto, Windsor, Holland Centre, Oakville, Wolfe Island, Oshawa, Paris)
Opossum in a tree (also know as the Possum)
Rita from Richmond Hill, Ontario, wrote to tell us about her sighting, she says ..... I saw my first Opossum tonight, heading to my backyard. I didn't even know they lived in Ontario, I thought they were native to southern states. I hope next time I see this little guy I will have my camera ready.

Mary from Toronto wrote to tell us about her Possum sighting ..... We live very close the Humber River in Toronto and have a varied assortment of wildlife and bird species, but the other night we saw a Possum in our backyard and it scurried across the fence and when our cat went to check it out it managed to climb up the fence and glare down at them and us as well. Pretty ugly looking things.
Malott from Windsor, Ontario, told us ..... One spotted at twelve noon creeping along back fence!
Susan Campbell from Flesherton, Ontario, told us of her recent sighting ..... I was driving into Holland Centre and I spotted a possum by the bridge.
A reader from Oakville told us ..... I let the dog out last night in Oakville, Ontario, at about 9:30 pm. A small possum was at the bottom of the stairs of my deck, I put a light on it and it froze! I walked down the stairs and it took off through the fence.
A reader wrote to say ..... There was a dead one in the road just across the border from Wolfe Island, Ontario, in cape Vincent NY. I couldn't believe it, I didn't think we had Possums in Canada or that close to the border, until I read this.
Paul Moore from Oshawa, Ontario, wrote to tell us ..... I noticed some movement on my deck last night around a mouse trap and when I turned on the light there was a possum smelling the peanut butter after the trap had gone off. We live in NW area of Oshawa, Ontario.
Sharon from Paris, Ontario, told us ..... He came back into our trap for raccoons and we let him go, and then three nights later he came back - not very smart. We live in Paris, Ontario. He is quite the big one too!