Possum in the Garden and other stories!
by Amanda, Melanie, S.N., Joann, Janet, Randy, Jill
( Scarborough, Brampton, Oshawa, Hamilton, Welland, Milton, Veiwlake)

Amanda recently wrote to tell us ..... I live in the beaches on Blantyre Ave, and at about 10:30 at night I saw a Possum in my garden, I was coming outside to put the garbage out. It was white with black fur around it's eyes, a long rat-like tail, seemed innocent eating the flowers in the garden. It ran away when I turned the light on. Amazing!
S.N. from Brampton wrote to tell us that they have a Possum Bully in their yard ..... It has taking over the burrow used to be occupied by a skunk. The spot is under the tool shed of my back yard. It came out at sunset, but quickly dashed back into the burrow.
Melanie wrote to say ..... I don't have a picture, but one frequents our very small back yard every night eating the bird seed that has fallen and I live in Oshawa, a small city.
Joann from Hamilton says ..... There was a Possum looking in our kitchen window last night watching my teenagers eat, so I opened the window and it was running away squeaking at me!
Janet wrote to say ..... Friday, September 20th, around 11:00 pm I saw a large Possum run into my open garage door. It was frightened by the headlights of my car. It was about 18" long and quite fat. I'd never seen one before. I live in Welland, Ontario, Canada.
Are they any danger to people or pet cats?
Randy says ..... We have had three Possums in our back yard in Milton. Two of them have been eliminated by our cat, but the third one survived, as we brought the cat inside and waited for the Possum to move on.
Jill from Veiwlake, Ontario tells us ..... Last night September the 15th, as usual my Husband and I always put our left over bread out into the back yard for all of our sweet creatures to feed on and for us to enjoy there company. To our surprise we had an extraordinary visitor, a Possum. So I can see this will be a delight to see if he revisits us again and hopefully be able to get some photos to forward on for all to see.
Thank you all so much for writing to tell us about your Possum sightings - Janet, I don't think they are a danger to your pets, they seem to only want to be left alone!