Possible Wolf Sighting in York Region

by Bill
(Ballantrae, Ontario, Canada)

I was driving on Vivian Road just east of Hwy 48 on October 29th when about 70 yards ahead of me I saw an animal cross the road.

My first thought was that it must be a Coyote but it was bigger than the Coyotes in this area.

I have a German Shepherd Dog that weighs just over 100 lbs and this animal was close to his size, if not a bit bigger. It was also very dark coloured, possibly black.

By the time I got to the part of the road it had crossed at it was gone. Both sides of the road were pretty thick brush.

I've watched nature shows and read up on Wolves, Coyotes, Bears, etc. and I truly believe that this was a Wolf.

I too, think you may have spotted a Wolf - who knows!

Maybe another of our readers may also have seen Wolf activity in your area.

Thanks for sending this to us. I will also post this on our facebook page.

Comments for Possible Wolf Sighting in York Region

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London Road Newmarket
by: Anonymous

London Road area, male and female appeared to be wolves male was grey female dark coloured. Female also looked like she could be pregnant.
They were about the size of a very large tall German shepherd.

Wolf sighting 2019
by: Devan

4 am in a park 43.76278339415405, -79.51110749630274

Gray wolf 4/4.4 ft tall vary light gray

I only saw him for about 10 seconds as he crossed the park with his kill in mouth but he was a big fluffy boi that I did not expect, having lived in heavily wooded areas in the past I have seen other wild wolves but this one looked like a hybrid possibly

Wolf Sighting
by: Dawn

I saw a wolf yesterday in my back yard. We back on to bush. January 21 2024

Grey Wolf found in Aurora
by: Anonymous

Date and Time: 12/05/2022 @ around 9:00 pm.
I saw a giant grey wolf near intersection of Thomas Phillips Drive and Buckle Cres in Aurora, Ontario. Not sure if there were any other wolves around but I assume they were hunting in groups of 2 or more.

Wolf sighting
by: Sue Giberson

7:15 pm I live on Haines Road in Newmarket, I just saw the wolf walking down the street. Wolf was heading West on the southern part of Haines Road.

Wolf or large Coyote
by: Anonymous

I was up at 3:30 am Aug 10/22. Sitting looking out front window with my German Shepherd. He started to bark and right there walking up middle of road is this large white animal. Intersection Joe Persechini and Yonge.

Wolves in Aurora
by: Kiandp

Aurora, Ontario
Saw and recorded pack of wolves, they are not normally dangerous because they afraid of humans but I am sure they are wolves and have a video of them.

Wolf sighting off Beck Road, Jacobus township
by: Anonymous

11:00 pm. I was out back having a cigar, and a larger than dog, grey black "wolf" roaming 25 yards in front of me heading south toward Loganville.

Heard Wolf Howl + Sighting
by: Insomniac

Saw a wolf at Sunnyridge Park, Stouffville - Sept 17 2021

wolf howling in Bayview and Bloomington
by: Sarah

I've heard wolf howling twice this week in the middle of night in Bayview and Bloomington area. Not sure if anyone has spot a coyote.

Wolf sightings
by: Birdee

It's possible you saw a large male coyote, a coy-wolf hybrid or a wolf. All three live here (Georgina). I've spotted and heard all three. I've also seen bear, either bobcat or Lynx in neighbours backyard. (Willow beach). And about 9+ years ago I spotted a cougar leaping across Kennedy few kms south of Ravenshoe. It was approx 50 ft ahead of me lumbering across road and leaped into brush when I got closer. I was driving s/b. At first I wasn't sure what I was looking at until I watched it leap into brush. The sighting shook me and has stuck with me all these years. I did report the cougar sighting.

Wolf Sighting Frank Robson wooded lot
by: Anonymous

I saw a coyote a month ago and now saw a wolf sunning himself in the wooded lot about noon time for about 20 mins. I captured a few pics and videos

Coyote or Coywolf
by: McGuire

I’ve been living in RH for a week now and 3 of those nights I’ve heard the distant yipping of Coyotes, albeit both last night at around 11:45 and this evening at 6:10, I did hear a single lone call.

typically "wolves" do not travel to where human population is dense as the educated and experienced reader below states, they have an inbred distrust of humans and it has been this way for generations.

There is however the matter of Coys and Coywolves and whether they are alone or in packs, you need to exercise caution when experiencing an encounter.

With the winter months fast approaching and food becoming more scarce, Coys and Coywolves will be a little more aggressive especially with family pets and livestock.

Whether you are going out for a walk through the neighborhood with "princess", or going for a hike into the woods with the kids, it’s always good to be carrying a repellent with you. Make certain that you familiarize yourself in how to use it whether it’s a spray, lid whistle or air horn, learn how to use it correctly.

Lastly, there are experts that have educational videos online that demonstrate how to quickly understand the type of encounter, how to address the animal, and how to exit the encounter safely.

For all those out there, Richmond Hill appears to be beautiful and I’ll be out there exploring soon enough.

Stay safe

In response to ABarclay
by: Anonymous

Do you have any insight on the facial features would be as what my girlfriend and I witnessed in the Eldered King tract facing off with a pack of four at roughly 20ft, the alpha had a feature of a squared snout. His legs were very long and his markings were darker, almost shepherd-like.

There are no wolves in York Region
by: ABarclay

What is being seen are not wolves, they are Eastern Coyotes, also called Coywolves which is not the accepted term. There is ZERO evidence of any wolves anywhere near here. This is based on extensive DNA studies of scat, trapping and tracking programs. Wolves do not tolerate roads or people, which is why the decrease of wolf distribution coincided with the expansion of people, and then expansion by the much more adaptive Coyote. Coyotes have traces of both domestic dog and wolf DNA from HISTORIC interbreeding, mixing as wolves retreated and were persecuted, and coyotes expanded and adapted. Western Coyotes mixed with Eastern wolves, who mixed with Gray Wolves and occasionally an abandoned farm dog, or through forced breeding. At times, those traces of DNA can be expressed, so a coyote might be black, red, or even have traits of the types of dog breeds they might have encountered way back. I have personally stopped to help a lost Husky-cross, only to realize it was a coyote expressing those domestic dog traits. ID of a hybrid is not possible without DNA testing, so even if one did find its way down here, there would be no way of knowing without DNA testing. Size alone is highly subjective by sight, and with their winter coats growing in and through piloerection (raising hairs to trap air for warmth) and coyote can look twice as big as they really are.

The estrus cycles of wolves, dogs and coyotes are very different, so interbreeding could only occur in a very small window of opportunity, and only in the very few areas where habitats overlap, which again, is no where near York Region or the GTA. A series of unlikely conditions would need to align to make it happen.

The continual misinterpretation of supposed wolf sightings and hybrids stem from the ongoing sharing of outdated and simply wrong information. There was a popular TV show that misrepresented the information they were provided by the Biologists featured and consulted for better ratings. People are jaded by these stories, which skews their view of an interaction, making it seem much scarier than it was. I try my best to inform and educate people about the facts when it comes to Coyotes. I stay up to date on the research, speak with experts, track them and study them in the field as much as I can (which is really hard to do because they hide or run from me all the time, no matter how still I am!)

Even if an Eastern wolf was to make its way down to York Region, there is enough overlap in the DNA that visual identification has been proven to be unreliable and the only way to confirm is to to DNA testing. Again, this has been with extensive collection of scat samples over the years and has yet to reveal any wolves around here.

We really need to make sure that we have the facts, not the hearsay when it comes to these, and all other animals.

wolf or coyote?
by: Edward

I have some good pictures of (what I believe) is a wolf taken early Oct 2020 on Elderberry Trail. (Yonge and Bloomington) Where can I confirm?

Coywolf or massive coyote in bob hunter
by: Shelley

Walking our French bulldog on leash on the Reesor way trail of bob hunter forest today Oct 26, 2020 when we encountered a huge coyote or coywolf on the path 20 feet ahead. I scooped up our dog in arms right away. The coyote trotted down and into the ravine and joined up with a second one. They appeared to be following us from down below looking up. Thankfully I came across another dog owner and we teamed up and walked out the remainder of 2 km together with no incidence.

Wolf In Vaughan
by: Anonymous

Dark grey wolf came racing out of a forest at maria antonia and via campanile. Middle of the day right through the park while people were playing and walking their dogs

Wolf Pack Encounter in Eldred King Tract
by: Jen and Mike

We were on a side trail, quite late (it was dark, on our way to the pond from the west entrance). Was surprised by a *loud* wolf call and then instantly two snarling, aggressive dark grey wolves appeared on the path coming towards us, about 20ft away. Gulp. Looked like a shepard/husky mix but way more wild. Followed by two more - all baring teeth, all ready to attack. Extremely intimidating! Scary AF. We shouted, made ourselves big, stood our ground then whipped a 1l bottle of water in a cloth bag at them. They dispersed immediately but it was a pretty tense 2-3 minutes there! We're seasoned forest walkers but will be more prepared with an air horn and bear spray next time! Stay safe out there.

Wolves - Richmond Hill
by: Anonymous

I have seen wolves twice in the last week of May 2020 - in Richmond Hill, Wilcox Lake area.

Coyote Wolf hybrid Pickering Rosebank Rd Granite Crt
by: Jodi Rose

Vocalizing Howls and yips coming from at least 4 animals for the last 3 weeks between 12am and 2am ranging in South Pickering by Bella Vista or Rouge River area, through Petticoat Creek and Frenchmans Bay Area. A very large, sheppard sized animal appearing to be perhaps a coyote wolf hybrid crossed Granite Court going South towards the lake, by the edge of the parking lot by Perdue Pharma, just before Sandstone Manor.

Wolf sighting in Keswick
by: Buffy

I had at least a hundred pounds or more wolf right at my fence in daylight at dusk and it was white and it was huge. He was not afraid of humans whatsoever. We yelled and banged and waved our hands and he wasn't phased the least bit. This was no coyote he was white almost as tall as our 4 ft fence. This is a wolf, I swear it. I have seen many coyotes and this I can tell you was not a coyote it was definitely a wolf. I wish I could have got a picture just to prove it but I was too afraid in the moment even think about grabbing the camera.

Heard a Wolf
by: Anonymous

We heard a wolf howling and barking in the forest behind our back garden last night around 11pm 04/10/20
Area: Northeast of Elgin Mills/Bathurst.

Wolf sighting
by: Anonymous

Date: March 14, 2020
Location: Kettleby (up on the hill)
Time: 9:30 am
I was looking out the backyard and noticed a large animal walking outside of the pool enclosure. It was dark grey in colour. At first I thought it was a coyote, but it was too big. I searched Wolves on the web and am confident it was a wolf. It didn’t stop, it was travelling north.

Who has seen this?
by: Anonymous

There is this animal running around the bushes of Klienburg in vaughan and pinewood estates It is brown and skinny.I dont know its name..Could that be a coy wolf?

Possible Wolf Siting in Stouffville
by: Anonymous

I was walking my dogs today in a wooded area in Stouffville (the Resevoir, off Millard) when I saw on the trail about 75 feet ahead of me what I thought was a coyote. However it was the size of a German Shepard and after reading the comments on this site, I now think it could have been a wolf.

My two dogs were pretty spooked, as was I. However the coyote or wolf, just stared at us than continued across the path and into the forest. It looked large and healthy and was not threatening.

by: Brandon Martin

I just took my dogs out to pee, it 5am. We live in the small sub-division of Queens landing. It's on the south side of Doane Rd. It was dark so we could not see them but in the open field not more then 200 yards from us we heard a bone chilling howl. It scared me and my 2 dogs. It was very very loud and a long howl not like the yip of coyotes. We heard the coyotes yipping in the distance but the howl was one close animal. I believe it was a wolf howl not a coyote. Does anyone know if coyotes howl like wolves?

Ravenshoe and Park
by: Anonymous

Possible wolf running across Ravenshoe from south to north. It was the size of a large German Shepherd (100ish lbs). Looked well filled out and in good condition.

Hwy 7 and Yonge
by: Anonymous

I was just driving on highway 7 and Yonge street and saw 2 wolves running across the street into the silver city/ go station plaza. Tried calling animal services but couldn’t get a hold of anyone...

Wolf in Pickering
by: Anonymous

A Wolf followed my husband home as we have a one year old puppy. Waited on our front lawn. Must have been at least half wolf as was the size of German Shepherd. Looked well fed. This was Rougemount Drive and Woodgrange. White black and beige. Touch of orange had a black tip of tail. Yikes.

Coyote / Wolf
by: Anonymous

Just this morning at 8 am, I saw one behind my backyard. I thought it was a wolf. It was a big healthy animal and tried to get my cat. Rougemount and Dyson in South Pickering. Definitely not a coyote, maybe a mix with wolf, maybe a wolf.

Just saw a Coyote in Woodbridge
by: Eric Niu

I was riding a bike and passing by a pond on Chatfield before Weston Road, near Major Mackenzie Drive. All of sudden, a "dog" jumped out from the bushes and came in front of me. (three or four metres from me ). I thought it was a dog at the first second, then I realize that is a Coyote, (the fur, the look and it looks at me tells me that definitely it is not a dog. I was a little bit scared and ran away instantly. Just be careful guys

Coywolf not Wolf
by: Sheila Wilson

Hello - From what I’ve read, Wolves do not come this far south. What we are probably seeing is a Coywolf. I posted previously as I saw one near my home. I live beside York Regional Forest.
A Coywolf is a hybrid descended from coyotes and wolves. They are absolutely amazing. You are very lucky to have seen one.

Wolf sighting in keswick
by: Anonymous

I just saw a Wolf on Pollock Road in Georgina, Ontario.

Black Wolf in Stouffville
by: Anonymous

Snowmobiling in Stouffville in a farmer's field when all of a sudden a big black wolf started running down the lane way. Scared the crap out of me was not expecting that. There was no way it was a coyote, way too big I also live in the county and I have seen a lot of coyotes. It truly was awesome to see.

Wolf Sighting in Ajax
by: Anonymous

11:20 pm I saw a Wolf running South on Harwood Ave just past Chapman in Ajax. A white truck with Orange/White lights flashing was driving behind it. I am assuming animal control? Wolf looked healthy and was very light grey/white in color. Legs/Height were too large to be a Coyote.

Wolf near intersection of Bloomington and Yonge Street
by: Anonymous

There was a wolf 2018 (December) near the intersection of Bloomington and Yonge Street, in the OPP office grounds.

Wolf sighting
by: Anonymous

Massive grey Wolf crossed my path coming from a small forest in Vellore Village and went into the park along Via Campanile Road and ate the garbage.

Wolf Unionville Sighted in backyard of Aitken Circle ravine lots south of 16th ave east of Kennedy
by: Anonymous

Wolf seen at Unionville, sighted in backyard of Aitken Circle. Ravine lots south of 16th Ave east of Kennedy. Saw a wolf (large 3 ft and taller than trampoline, so not a coyote and definitely not a mix) at dusk about 9:15 pm on June 10 2018.

Black Wolf in Ajax.
by: Anonymous

Black wolf spotted in a field near Audley and the 401 in Ajax around 10 am today. Looked to be in great shape!

Wolf - Weston Rd & Major Mac
by: Anonymous

Over the last 5 months, I've crossed paths with one two times, thankfully in the car on both occasions. One time was in the middle of the day on Major Mackenzie, the second time being at around 10:30 in a subdivision! There's a small pocket of empty land which backs onto multiple backyards; it walked right passed my car and into the small field. There are loads of kids/dogs/families in my area. Its a little concerning, and I've called City of Vaughan and they are aware of the issue.

Black wolf
by: Modestino Baldassarre

Walking one morning at 3:30 down Clarence Ave in Woodbridge, I was at the curve right at the golf course, when out of the forest on the north side a black wolf (about 2 1/2 to 3 feet tall) about 125 to 150 pounds maybe more, appeared about 15 to 20 feet away from me, he didn't expect me to be there, he turned and looked at me and took off all in a forward motion. I know 100 percent it was a wolf, I know we are getting a lot of deer in this area now more than ever, also all the way down to the Rowntree Mills park area. They are following the deer, they are all gaining access from the new linking of trails the municipalities are doing.

Possible Wolf sighting in Whitchurch Stouffville
by: Tina

On on February 8th, 2018 I was driving on Aurora Road and had just passed McCowan Road travelling west, around noon, when all of a sudden a large dark brown mottled coloured animal crossed the street about 10 feet in front of my car heading into the forest to my left(south). It looked like the size of a large German Shepherd but had short fur but not thick and bushy like a wolf's fur. It was too big to be a coyote but had the snout and head shape like one with shorter ears. It had more of a wolf hybrid appearance. I was very startled because it was out and about in broad daylight and was quite large in size.

Saw one, got it on tape
by: Anonymous

Saw two of them going into Toll Bar Park (main intersection Regent and Elgin Mills), was able to catch the 2nd one on a 9 second snap.

Wolf pack
by: Anonymous

Four Wolves crossed my path walking my dog at the bridge between Stonehaven West and Wyndham Village, between Best Circle and Comfort Lane headed westbound through the gap in the fence at the bridge toward the police park. Don't go down there at night.

Three Wolves seen in Stouville/Bayview, Richmond Hill Dec4 10:30pm
by: James

Tonight 10:30 pm I was driving along Bayview Ave southbound, when I get close to Stouffville (about 30 yard away) I spot 3 Wolves right beside the road. I think they prepare to cross the road.

I believe these are Wolves, not Coyotes, because they are brown and big, quite similar to German Shepherd.

Well, it is December 4th, 2017 and winter is almost here in Southern Ontario. I bet Wolves are gathering together for winter group hunting.

Kinda scary though because Stoufville / Bayview area has quite a populations now (thanks to city development).

Richmond Hill, Ontario

Coywolf for sure in Aurora Nov. 7, 2017
by: Sheena

Hi, I was driving down George St in Aurora when I saw what was most definitely a Coywolf. He ran into one of the driveway and when I stopped he came out right beside my vehicle to the left of me. It stopped for a few seconds so you could tell it was not a dog or a coyote. Absolutely stunning but I am glad I was in the car.

Wolf or Coywolf
by: Sheila

I was walking my dogs in the forest south of Aurora Rd and 48. I had gone in off of Felcher Blvd and I saw what I thought was a Coywolf. It was beautiful!!! It disappeared into the forest. It was way too big to be a coyote.

Wolf sighted Aurora/Newmarket
by: Patrick

Pretty sure that today in Newmarket, on Leslie, just north of St. John's Sideroad, at around 9:15 am. It was eating something on the grass between the road and the residential sound barrier. Much bigger than a Coyote and not quite dog looking.

Wolves spotted Salem and Rossland & again Ringer and Salem
by: Jay

Two Wolves who look like they haven't eaten in a while where spotted twice in one week. Once was through a cat walk in from of my house then again later in the week crossing Ringer Rd into the forest.

Hear wolf howling in Aurora
by: Anonymous

My husband heard wolf howling at midnight and we are in the area near St. John Side Road & 404 in Aurora. Also, my son saw an animal with black fur hiding in the wood while I was driving along Leslie and St. John Side Road / William Gram area.

Coywolf in Aurora last summer
by: Anonymous

Very large Coywolf ran down my driveway (following our stream) several times over the course of a month or so last summer in Aurora, Ontario. We would see it when we were sitting on our front porch in the evening. It passed within 10 feet of us. It was about the size of a very large German Shepherd. Haven't seen it this year.

by: Anonymous

Two wolves, one grey and one all black, seen again in my backyard at Rougemount and Kingston Road, Pickering.

Wolf Sighting, Ballantrae Golf & Country Club
by: I. MacDonald

After reading article of possible wolf sighting in York Region, I now believe I sighted a similar/same wolf at the Ballantrae Golf and Country Club in June of 2016. We have a small dog and as a result I am constantly on the lookout for coyotes when taking her out at night before bed. We back onto the golf course facing north, close to the St. John's side road between Hwy. 48 and 9th line. Many nights we are awaken by the howling coyotes especially when they are about to make a kill. One early morning our dog who sleeps in our bedroom near the window started growling, I immediately got out of bed and turned on the deck lights, lighting up our backyard area. To my surprise I saw a dark large size animal trotting through our backyard heading toward 9th line. I then mentioned to my wife the size of the animal and it looked like a large German Shepherd. After reading your article it was possible what I saw was a wolf not a coyote roaming the Ballantrae Golf Course.

Coywolf in Newmarket
by: N

There is a Coywolf that lives on Srigley behind the bridge. Be careful, these 2 young girls were walking their small dog and it chased them to the store on Srigley. I have 2 puppies and I walked them tonight with my boyfriend. We where going to walk up Water Street in Newmarket but our dogs wanted to turn up another street and when I looked back I'm glad we turned cause there were 3 Coyotes at Fairy Lake, near the bus stop. It was creepy.

Pine Valley and Langstaff
by: Vic

Early this morning at approximately 12:45 am, a friend and I were heading north on Pine Valley between Embassy & Chancellor, when I noticed what I thought was a dog to my right. As I got closer, it ran across the street, stopped and headed back in front of my car ... it wasn't a dog! As I slowed down, it ran back to the east side of the street and starting running along the grass heading northbound towards Langstaff. Needless to say, I had to do a double take ... but I'm sure this wasn't a dog. Pretty cool, yet troublesome at the same time. I didn't think a Wolf could survive in such a populated area. Stay safe out there.

Three wolves sighted St. John and 404
by: Stephane

I sighted 3 wolves crossing St John side road and 404 south into the field. I have pictures but not sure where I can post them. I'd like to confirm if they are wolves or a hybrid coyote/wolf. I have more pictures, but the below is the clearest.


Possible Wolf sighting
by: Anonymous

Spotted a female fairly large Wolf lingering on the streets of Vandorf and McCowan Rd, stay safe, don't go on midnight walks and keep your pets close.

Coywolf spotted
by: Carol D

I saw what I believe to be a coywolf run across Srigley St, just east of Prospect (in Newmarket) into a marshy area and then under a fence. He stopped to look at me and I stared back wondering if what I saw was correct. He was light greyish in color. This was just the other day March 6th so folks beware if you have small pets you let outdoors. There have been recent attacks throughout the GTA I've read.

Definite Grey Wolf sighting in Ajax
by: Anonymous

Two big Grey Wolves spotted in Ajax just now, across from Deer Creek Golf Course.

Wolf On Davis Drive Dec 21 2016
by: Glenn

We also believe we saw a wolf crossing the road today. Davis Drive just west of Highway 48. It crossed the road in front of us 20 yards away. Larger than a Coyote - quite certain it was a Wolf.

Coywolf Richmond Hill Aurora
by: Anonymous

My wife spotted a large dog in our back garden, bigger than a Coyote but not as big as a Wolf. After showing her pictures of Coywolves she believes that this was the animal she saw. We live on the sub-division of Fontainbleu Close to Bayview and Bloomington, specifically Paradelle Drive and Worthington area.

Wolf Sighting Georgina
by: Anonymous

I saw the same big dark coloured Wolf, I am sure, at York Durham Line and Queensville Side road sprint across the road yesterday morning. I have seen him or one like, between York Durham Line as far west as Kennedy between Baseline and Queensville Side a few times over last year.

2 Wolves together Rouge Park
by: Anonymous

Walking my dog through my back acreage at Major Mack / Ninth Line. Rouge Park forested area along Little Rouge creek, spotted 2 what appeared to be Wolves to me. They were black mostly with a little grey. They were about 2.5 ft tall.

Wolf on Revelstoke Road. (North of highway 7 / east of Yonge Street
by: Anonymous

I saw a Grey Wolf today. It was big. Very big. Beware of Wolf.

South Vaughan
by: Anonymous

Wolf sighting on Islington Ave just south of hwy 7.

Wolf Sighting Bayview and 16th
by: Anonymous

We back onto a ravine in the Bayview and 16th area and saw a Wolf or Coywolf today. It was walking behind our backyard fence. Please be careful if walking your dog in this area.

Hello there - thanks for letting us know. Where you are, it is more likely to be a Coywolf, but you are right to be cautious!

Saw the Wolf
by: Anonymous

I was walking north-east of highway 7 and Yonge St and saw what looked like a grey coloured large Coyote / German Shepherd. I originally thought it was a Wolf but didn't think Wolves were in the city until I saw this blog. Now I'm not sure what it was, but it matches what some others reported recently in this area.

Pickering town centre
by: Anonymous

One German Shepard sized grey coloured running down Glenanna past the library at about 9:30 pm continued across Kingston Road and gone. Another two spotted on Valley Farm and Kingston Road and than disappeared into field behind houses at about 12:30 am one week later.

Wolf seen Bayview and 16th Richmond Hill ,Ontario
by: Anonymous

There was definitely a wolf on the side of the road last evening in the Bayview and 16th Avenue residential area /seen around 11:00 pm on Oct 9, 2016

Coyote sighting
by: Anonymous

Was walking my dog just now when a coyote came running up the street and then quickly disappeared behind a building on Cedar at Major Mackenzie.

Possible Sighting in College Manor, Newmarket
by: Anonymous

My husband and I were walking down College Manor Blvd tonight in Newmarket around 9:30 pm. About 100 yards ahead of where we were walking was a wetland/forested area that lies on both sides of the road; in the past we've seen deer and foxes coming out of there. Tonight, crossing from the north side of College Manor to the south side of this wetland/forested area, ran what we thought at first was a large husky. It was dark on its back and head, lighter underneath with a low-hanging fluffy tail. We quickly realized by its mannerisms that it was not a normal dog, it looked skittish and moved quickly. It ran across the street and was gone.

Wolf in Stouffville
by: Anonymous

There was a Wolf lingering around in the York regional forest - Mccowan Rd and Aurora side road. I hear the Wolf calling at night and see the Wolf prints on the ground. Neighbors around have seen it.

Wolf sighting
by: Anonymous

May 4th 2016. Im sure I saw a Wolf last night at Old Homestead Road and Kennedy. About 10:30 pm. It sauntered in front of my car, crossing the road. Stopped and looked, then gone. It was easily 100 lbs or more. Dark grey in color. I've seen many Coyotes but this was much much bigger.

Wolf sighting?
by: HMT

Today Feb. 1 2016, at 8:00 am I looked out our back kitchen window and I saw two Wolves on the other side of our backyard fence in the vacant field, not more than three feet away from the fence in tall dead grass. I feared for our cat, Simba, since he was let out into the yard around 7:45 am, and since he was AWOL until about one hour later after the sighting, we figured he became breakie for the pack and pups. BTW: I went outside hollered and clapped at the two critters by the fence line and they moseyed along north, they were not very startled, but not hanging around to say hello either, now behind our neighbours' yard. By the time I had dashed down to the end of our yard to get a peek in hopes they didn't grab our cat, they had moved on further north past the next lot, when I saw a third critter ahead of the first two I had just seen. They all blended very well in the high grass. First I thought it was a husky or other big dog, then a second appeared right beside it. Finally the third appeared farther ahead. More grey than Coyote shades. Tall, long large animals, bushy tails, held low on the first two; couldn't tell on the first one I missed earlier. As for the pussycat? He's fine. He was perched up top a tall wooden fence two lots to the south of us. We live on Leslie Street, right across from Princess Auto.

Wolf in Ballantrae (Stouffville)
by: Renata S.

I have seen a very dark and large wolf-like animal cross right in front of my car on Ballantrae Road on one snowy night back in February 2014. I caught it with my dashboard camera but it ran off quickly so it recorded just a glance, a bit far off and visibility was poor with the snow and night darkness. However, I did spot the same animal again last night surrounding our property. I have large paw prints left behind on the snow everywhere. We have quite a few rabbits that live in our bushes in the front and back of the property so I guess it was hunting. I will check the outdoor cameras to see if it caught a better image. How can we share here the videos?

Great story - you can send this story, and a link to a youtube video, on this page about the Grey Wolf, just scroll down to where it says "Enter the title of your story here".

Wolves in Ajax Nov 26, 2015
by: Jason

I saw two Wolves chasing Squirrels this morning 8 am November 26th. They were big, one lighter color, one with more black. Location: Ajax, ON 43.833441, -79.039712. Be careful.

Wolf in Pickering, Ontario
by: Anonymous

Just saw a big black (looked like) Wolf described in this thread. I came to the internet to search sightings. I live in the Audley Road - hwy 7 area. I had no idea we had Wolves in this area but this was defiantly not a Coyote!

by: Anonymous

There have always been Wolves about. In the early 1980s I saw a pack of greys running one behind the other at 410 and 401 I believe, it was just south of Brampton, beautiful sight. This past summer I saw a big black one bigger then a German Shepard, on Hill street in Hollond landing, he was actually kinda scary looking, reminded me of the big bad Wolf at Grannies in Red Riding Hood, and the three pigs also. Just creepy looking for a Wolf. Just let them be.

Wolf spotted near McCowan and Old Homestead
by: Anonymous

I think I spotted the same Wolf as the last person who commented. I saw the tracks when I was walking my dog in the field behind my house. I decided to head back home, then I saw a large dark animal further down the field; it was too large to be a Coyote. Once I got back home I grabbed the binoculars and got a better look, this animal easily weighed over a hundred pounds.

Wolf sighting
by: Anonymous

I was driving north on Woodbine-Baseline Road between Keswick and Sutton tonight around 11:00 pm when what I initially thought was a Coyote ran out onto the road. It was chasing something and turned towards my vehicle before circling back off the road. I did get a pretty good look at it as I ended up close to it and had to brake to avoid it and whatever it was chasing. I have looked at images of both Coyote and Wolves on the internet and am convinced that it was indeed a Wolf. The size and the shape of the head and snout were the key indicators for me. It was big and did not have a pointy snout.

Wolf on Keele North
by: Anonymous

I am pretty sure I saw a Wolf tonight crossing Keele Street at highway 9. Much bigger than a Coyote and definitely not a Shepherd.

Wolf sighting
by: Alexey

I saw what looked liked a Wolf at Richmond Street & Hall Street on Wednesday, March 26,2014 at 11:30 pm. It jumped out of the bushes behind the house right into walkway where I was standing. It looked lean, but healthy. I guess it was hunting cats, because the owners of the house have two cats. It looked at me and then went away north on Hall Street.

I have seen Wolves too
by: Anonymous

It was super early in the morning like 3:30 or so and I had fallen asleep at my friends house & decided to go home. I was at Second Concession & Green Lane waiting for the light to turn and I seen what I thought was a dog running along beside my car. I was about to pull over & see if i could coax the dog into the car. (I was afraid it was going to get hit) when my other friend told me to look again at it. It was in fact a Wolf! It looked to be about 90 pounds or so. I hear them quite often in Queensville too.

Howling wolves in Richmond Hill
by: Sandy

For quite a few days, my family has been hearing one single Wolf howling away each night, very close to our house by Mill Pond. We felt so bad for the lone Wolf. Then two nights ago, during the night, we heard a pack of them howling away. I thought the lone Wolf finally found his pack. Last night we didn't hear anything. They are definitely not Coyotes. Are there Wolves in this area?

I'm not sure if anyone else has seen or heard Wolves in your area, but check back here again soon, someone may write in to tell us!

York wolves, Oh yes!
by: Anonymous

There are many wolves around York region, saw a huge grey Timber Wolf on the ninth line at highway area in fall of '06, also there is a large pack of black Wolves living in the lands north of Pickering near York-Durham line / highway 7. The animals are quite unafraid and will approach, caution must be taken ^. .^

Wolves in Newmarket
by: Evert Akkerman

I have pictures of Wolves in our backyard while we lived in the Bogart Pond development in Newmarket, just off the intersection Leslie & Mulock. This was in the winter of 2008.

Wolf photographed in York Region
by: Matt

A friend of the family took a great picture of a Wolf near the Vivien Road in York region (east of Newmarket) last week.

It is certainly a healthy looking Wolf which is great to see back in this area after decades of persecution.

The question is, how many of them are their and are they back to stay?

Thanks for the info - I don't know if the Wolves are back in your area, but I wonder if your friends would mind sending us their photo of the Wolf, and we can add it to our website.

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