Possible Ontario Lynx, Bobcat and Cougar sightings
by Sarah Anne, Mark, Alexander, Peter, James, Glynne, Dee
(Oshawa, Ottawa/Orleans area, Wellington County, Welland, Flesherton, South Glengarry, Toronto, Tottenham and Salmon Arm BC )
Sarah from Oshawa was travelling home around 1 am October 31 2020 and said ... a lynx ran in front of my car on Stevenson Road and ran very fast down the sidewalk and into the woods I got a really good look at the lynx could tell it was a lynx because of its tail which is unlike a regular cat. This animal was very large and very smart it out ran my car and looked back to see if I was still trying to follow it.
One of our readers wrote ... it was Saturday, 12 September 2020, at 2 pm, and I was eating my lunch on my back deck. Then suddenly a large cat-like creature appeared on the other side of my fence, creeping along it as though it wanted to conceal itself. It was the size of a golden retriever but it was clearly feline. I noticed its red/brownish short fur with some soft grey vertical lines. It had a long tail but it was not thick like a cougar's. It paused for a few seconds, then pranced forward and out of my sight. It was completely quiet and very agile in its movements. I live along a ravine which runs 1 km north towards the Ottawa River and over boulevard d'Orleans. I have seen rabbits, deer, foxes, skunks and coyotes, but never a cat-like creature like this.
Mark from Wellington County wrote ... driving to work around 7:30 am this morning (Feb 19, 2020) heading south on County road 7, just south of the town of Rothsay, I spotted a large cat bolting back and forth across the road. As I got closer I slowed down and got a good look at the animal which was now clearly a lynx (no picture as I was driving) and it waited for me to pass before it ran back across the road heading northeast.
Alexander from Welland reported ... I'm trying to save up for a car. I have a good job in Thorold. The other night a car ahead of me flashed their highbeams like crazy and put their left turn signal on and stopped and again the high beams. I thought something was fishy about it. I live in Welland. I need this job. I turned off my phone and kept quiet as I could while walking the opposite side of the road. As I passed by I almost made it then their was a rustling and a crash of a branch and I could see a huge beast of a cat by the light of the moon. It didn't run. It stalked me all the way to the first set of lights. I knew I was safe when I saw the old fairgrounds and the school buses parked. I think the only thing that saved me was the intermittent traffic going by. I knew it was stalking me through the rushes. Out on that road their are swing sets and childrens' toys and bicycles in front yards and this thing was in the rushes and tall grasses on the other side. You think it's cool? I want to make it to my 50th birthday in February.
Peter reports seeing a Lynx near Flesherton ... I was travelling south on Highway 10 a few kilometres south of Flesherton at about 10:30 p.m. on October 19, a large cat ran across the road in front of us. It was much to large to be a domestic cat as it was at least the size of a lynx and had similar colours and characteristic markings. However it was night time and so the only glimpse of it was what i was able to see in the headlights of my car. The traffic was very light at the time and so it is doubtful the cat was seen by any other.
James said ... I was with my cousin this morning on a trail in Eastern Ontario (South Glengarry) and we are certain we saw a Lynx. No pictures but I'm wondering if they are native to this area? or if there have been sightings in this area?

One of our readers reported ... I was driving towards the 401 east ramp from 404 when I saw this animal cross in front of my head lights. Oh look a raccoon I thought to myself, then I seen it's tail, it was very long and that's when I realized the body was similar in length. As I approached the ramp to 401 east collector, I slowed to get a better look. It was standing on the cement barrier on the 401 east express side looking right at me, hovering over raccoon roadkill. It wasn't overly large but I can't mistake it. I lived in BC for 5 years and educated myself on them as I hiked the mountains often, I am not an expert, but it was unmistakable. I am so shocked. I have seen more wildlife in Toronto, coyotes, deer, falcons, foxes etc than I ever have living in the Georgian Bay area (born and raised) and BC. I live in this area and walk my dog often through the Betty Sutherland trail along the river. I did not realize cougars also resided within the city. I really wish I had a dashcam.
Glynne G wrote from Salmon Arm, BC and I'm including it here ... my wife, Carol Ann and I were travelling west on Hwy 17 near the Black River bridge when the big cat calmly walked across the road, left to right, about 50-75 meters in front of us and promptly disappeared in the bush on the side of the highway. I would guess it to be 50 pounds with big back haunches and bobbed tail, dark brownish grey.
Dee wrote ... so I should have posted this few months back but tried letting the MNR know but no luck there. I was checking out a property doing a home inspection literally next to Tecumseth Public School and in the back of the property along the tree line was, what I have no doubt was a mountain lion. I want to say it was black but could of been the way light hit it .. without a single doubt it was a mountain lion ... back muscles and tail just as long as the body ... but my question is this ... why doesn’t the Ministry of Natural Resources just admit it and open up a hotline like they do for bears? They are back whether or not they purposely released them or not the citizens have a right to know what the heck is in the woods. I do not feel comfortable hunting in the woods with a .22 anymore put it that way. I wasn’t the only one to see it. What are we waiting for, somebody to get attacked? The MNR has a responsibility to make everyone aware
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