
by Paula
(Hastings, Ontario, Canada)

My husband and I live just outside Hastings Ontario and have lived here for 7 years now, and till August 4 this year have never seen a peacock, never thought we'd see a peacock in the wild in Ontario.

Our dog was barking and there by the bird feeder was a female peahen. We thought it may have got loose from a farm nearby, searched on the internet and found this site. Which is wonderful.

Found out there's been quite a few sightings in this area.

Now today my daughter who lives just outside Norwood, Ontario, on a country road, called and said in her yard there is a male peacock. He actually flew up on to her car. Wow we were very surprised.

We haven't seen the female again, the male is still wandering around at my daughter's.

Thank you for sending this report and your pictures.

Several years ago, when we received our first report of a Peacock sighting in Southern Ontario, I was convinced that what the person saw was probably a wild turkey, but within days I was driving into town and right in front of my car strolled a beautiful male peacock! I couldn't believe what I had just seen!

These days I do believe that there are wild Peacocks in Ontario ... especially when people send pictures!

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by: Trish from Bancroft Anonymous

Does anyone know if they will survive a Bancroft winter if we put straw/hay beside the house under a deck and put out food and water daily.

I'm not a Peafowl expert, but I would guess that the one you have close by has escaped from somewhere or has been living outdoors, so I'm sure if you provided water and warmth it would stick around through the winter.

Surprise Peacock
by: Trish from Bancroft

About a month ago a peacock showed up in our backyard. I am worried he will freeze during the winter months. Does anyone know how to care for them during these cold months or of anyone that is able to remove it and keep it safe?

Hi Trish, we get many reports of Peafowl across Ontario and they seem to survive our winters by sheltering in barns and other unused buildings. If you have somewhere you could leave some corn for the birds, I'm sure they would appreciate it.

You must have been shocked!
by: Anonymous

You must have been shocked to see the Peahen at your bird feeder - that's not the kind of bird that is usually attracted to backyard bird feeders!

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