Ontario Coyotes
by Three of our readers
(Holland Landing, Ajax, St Catharines)
A reader from Holland Landing, Ontario, wrote to say ..... It is very common to hear Coyotes in the Holland Landing area because it is near part of the Oak Ridges Moraine.
Michelle from Ajax tells us ..... My son and our small dog saw a Coyote in our residential neighborhood near Ajax hospital today around 10 am. He said it looked pretty large and a car driving warned him.
A reader from the north end of St Catharines wrote to say ..... I live in the vicinity of the Walker Creek(s) area. I was sitting on my front steps around the supper hour on April 28, 2014 and a very large Coyote came running down the middle of the road past my home. I yelled at it, it looked back and sped off. I saw another one on my road last fall as well.