More Bald Eagles in Southern Ontario
by Bonnie, Sarah, Mike, Pam, Anita
(Windsor, Harley, Niagara area, Camlachie, Guelph)
Bonnie from South Windsor wrote to say ..... I was sitting in my car at the intersection of Dougall Avenue and Cabana in South Windsor this afternoon. I watched a Bald Eagle coasting above the highway heading north. We have hawks in the neighbourhood and at first I assumed that was what I was seeing. This bird was larger and as it flew toward me with wings outstretched, I could see the bright white head and the underside of its body. I was hoping the traffic light wouldn't change so I could follow its flight. All around me seemed business as usual. Look up! It's worth it.

Sarah Bell from Harley, Ontario says ..... Hello folks, Just to let you know how excited me and my son are that we saw a wild Bald Eagle today at 11:45 on Middletown Line road by highway #53. (15 mins from West Brantford) What a beauty!! We feel so privileged to have seen one. It was perched up high on a tree and then flew around in circles for a while as we pulled over the car and looked in amazement. What a fabulous sight :)
Mike wrote to say ..... On Tuesday Jan 13th around 10:30 in the morning, while driving south on highway 10, my son and I spotted a Bald Eagle that had flown to the top of a large pine tree on the east side of the road. This location is at the top of the Niagara Escarpment overlooking Devils Pulpit Golf Course. The eagle looked very large in comparison to some crows that were flying nearby. Have been keeping an eye open whenever driving by this area but have not seen another. This location is close to the Forks of the Credit.
Pam from Camlachie, Ontario, wrote to say ..... I've seen this beauty three times in the last two weeks. No picture yet but will keep trying. He's always flying east to west from Blue Point along the beach past Bonnie Doon to Errol Village. We had a Golden on the beach last fall but haven't seen him this year. Would love to know where he nests!
Anita wrote to tell us about the Eagle she spotted ..... There was a huge Bald Eagle flying over central downtown Guelph today. I was driving across town & spotted it soaring. Then I was following it around in my car. This was January 8th 2015. For me it sure made the day glorious ..... I felt it as a good omen!
Thank you all for sending us these reports of your Bald Eagle sightings - I have enjoyed reading them very much and I know our readers will enjoy them too!