Lots of Indigo Bunting Sightings!
by N Saari, T Maniacco, Victoria, Carolann, David H, Paul L, Perry, Randall R, Kimberly, Hans, Joe B
(Tillsonburg, Lyn, West Lorne, Ajax, Highland Grove, London, Halton Hills, Grimsby, Sudbury, Belleville, Newholm, Midland, Toronto)
Birthday Bunting!
A reader wrote to tell us ... today was my birthday - and for the first time since I live here I had this special visitor. Of course no really great camera handy, but got a shot anyway. Photo is taken in my backyard in Tillsonburg, Ontario, today, on May 19, 2020.
N Saari wrote to say ... I looked out the window this morning and there was a male Indigo sitting in the tree waiting for his turn at the feeders. What a wonderful sight first thing in the morning!!
T. Maniacco from West Lorne said ... I have never seen any blue on a bird around here except the Blue Jay's. So I was very surprised to see this deep blue streak fly by as I was out walking. I immediately looked up blue birds, but the eastern Bluebird is too light/bright blue. The bird I saw was a deep striking blue. And so far this is the bird that looks most like what I saw. I will definitely try to persuade some to stop by my back door.
Victoria from Ajax said ... I'm pretty sure the flash of blue I saw on my walk this morning had to be an Indigo Bunting. It was much brighter than an Eastern Bluebird. I walk through a forested area bordered by a creek on one side and a marshy area on the other. It was far too swift of a flyer for me to get a photo but I'll keep my eyes open.
Carolann from Highland Grove wrote ... this bird has been back twice this morning. I believe it is an Indigo Bunting.
David Hill said ... I saw a male Indigo Bunting just east of Vauxhall Park in London in the frisbee golf course on May 17th, 2020. I would describe the habitat as open woodland, about 70 meters from the Thames River.
A reader from Halton Hills said ... I spotted this beautiful little bird at our feeder. I had never seen the vibrant "teal" coloured bird before.
Paul Leece from Grimsby wrote ... my wife and I spied the Indigo Bunting at Beamer's Falls May 24th, while looking out toward the Toronto skyline. It was in the trees just out from the lookout. The striking blue certainly caught our attention, as did its beautiful, unique song!
Perry from Sudbury wrote to report ... I was unable to get a photo. Bird is quite skittish, but I've seen him 3 times today and once few days ago at my feeder. This is the first time in this location for the last 15 years that I have seen one. I also recently saw what I think is an Eastern Bluebird for first time ever last week. We are in Sudbury, Ontario.
Randall Rosatte wrote from Belleville ... I spotted a male Indigo Bunting on our bird feeder last May 25th 2020 in Bayside, near Trenton, Ontario.
Kimberly from Newholm wrote ... I saw a pair of Indigo Buntings, 9th of August 2020 in Newholm, Ontario.
Hans from Midland reported ... a very shy and beautiful male Bunting was visiting us in the afternoon. Bright, iridescent blue colour.
Joe Burtinsky from Toronto reported ... when I was walking home this evening, August 2nd 2020 around 7:30 pm on Millwood Road near Overlea Blvd in Toronto. Sadly I didn't manage to get a photo, but he obligingly sat on a fence for long enough to make a definite ID. I previously had seen flashes of what I thought may have been one on the Leslie Spit, but as mentioned they are rather shy so it was special to have a good sighting.