It's still Winter
by Roberta Lauretta
(Don Mills, Toronto, Ontario, Canada)
Roberta, one of our readers in Toronto, sent us this report of her bird sighting - Today, February 7th, 2011, while I was walking my puppy, I saw at least 20-25 Robins flying in and around the trees in my neighbourhood.
I saw them yesterday as well at the same time, approximately 12:45 pm in the afternoon.
I live in the area called Don Mills, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, which is close to Don Valley Parkway (DVP) and the 401 highways.
I saw the Robins behind my house as our neighbourhood backs onto a Green park and Walkway.
I remember seeing the Robins like this last year at the same time of year. It cannot be a sign of Spring can it?
Why would they be here? I would like to know what the Robins are doing?
Mrs. Roberta Lauretta
Thanks for your email Roberta, it is very interesting that you have seen a flock of Robins this early in the year. I wonder whether they are early or whether they didn't leave at all!
Under normal circumstances, I see Robins returning to the London area around the first week in March, so in fact the ones you have seen are about three weeks early.
They must bee surprised to see so much snow, and are probably having great difficulty finding food.
Holly, one of our readers in the Niagara area, also saw a flock of Robins over the weekend.
If any of our readers know what people can do to feed these birds and help them survive, please post it here as our readers would love to know.