Is there a Green Finch in London, Ontario?
by Marg Stray
(London, Ontario, Canada)
Sorry, no photo. Today I saw what I thought was a Finch, but none of my neighbours thought there was a green Finch in London. Just Red or Gold and Purple Finches, with brown.
I saw it on a rainy late afternoon around 6.30pm, Sunday August 14, 2011, at the entrance to the Cherryhill Village Activity club, 190 Cherryhill Circle., London.
There is a flower garden there with birdhouses, etc.
It looked the size of the Red finches around here, but its lower back and tail were green like a parakeet green colour.
In all my years I have never seen one like this and I am 68!
When I looked it up in my bird books the closest to it was a female green, Coloured Bunting, but they live in the Southern United States.
Can anyone help me out here? I don't have use of a camera and I didn't imagine it. It was not a parakeet.
Thanks for your submission, Marg, I have no idea what the bird could be, but maybe one of our readers will know!