I <3 Canada .

by Melissa Breanne MacDonald
(Oshawa, ON, Canada)

I live in Oshawa, Ontario and just last week I come down to visit family in Nova Scotia!

Staying in Forchu, my grandparents and I went to a nearby rocky beach.

Not paying much attention to which bathing suit I was wearing, we took tons of pictures of me by the rocks and water.

This particular picture is myself on the rocks, waiting for big waves, and making a heart with my two hands joined together.

I just love being down here, and I am so proud to be Canadian!!

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lmao that's so Scotian
by: n0va59

Great shot .... I can see the Scotian pride in your light hearted photo and your Scotian pride just shines through .... Love that Atlantic coastline !) one Scotian (living in Ontario) to another

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