How does the school bus work?

by Vida

We're moving to Sudbury in 3 - 4 months. We live in Europe, and we bring our kids to school everyday. I checked the some school's websites, they offer "school bus" service. We don't have this thing here and we read too many horrible stories about what happen in school bus in USA, as parents, we have many concerns about our children's safety in a new country. Could you tell me more about the school bus service? Is it totally free? Do we have to make seat reservations for our kids? Is it trustable?

Thank you so much!

Hello Vida - the School Bus service is free and is available to all children who live farther from school than they could walk - it depends on the School they will go to. If you live close to the school, the children will walk there, or you can take them, but if you live far from the school, the bus will pick them up and bring them home in the afternoon.

I would check with the School Boards in Sudbury. I found this link for you, for both the Catholic School Board and the Public School Board, with information about the distances from home the children are expected to be able to walk.

Sudbury School Bus Frequently asked Questions

· Jr or Sr Kindergarten - 0 km

· Grades 1 - 3 1.0 km

· Grades 4 - 8 1.6 km

· Grades 9 - 12 2.5 km

School Buses are considered safe, and they are a great way to get kids who live a long distance from school, transported there every day.

By the way, welcome to Canada - it isn't easy to move to a new country, so far from your home-land, but I found Canadians to be welcoming and friendly, and hope that you do too!

Bienvenido a Canadá!

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Cold Winter in Sudbury
by: Anonymous

Thanks for reminding us. Our children never saw snow in real life, they only saw it on TV!

Compare with the weather in Sudbury, in here we have very hot summer and warm winter. We will definitely miss a lot this weather, actually I am already missing, the beach, the sea, the salty air. we must fully enjoy all these good things in here before we take off for Sudbury :) .

Thanks again!

Thank You!
by: Vida

Thank you so much for your reply. We're very much looking forward to starting our new life in Sudbury.
There will be a lot of challenges ahead of us, but as we stay together as family, we will overcome everything.

Thank you again! Canada, here we come!

You are most welcome - as you are coming from Spain, you may find Sudbury quite cold in the winter time, so bring your warm clothes!

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