Hamilton Coyotes

by Ken Beatty
(Hamilton, Ontario, Canada )

Coyote in my yard!

Coyote in my yard!

We live on the edge of McMaster property just west of Cootes Dr. We see coyotes frequently running in groups or alone. Since we also see many deer, we assume the coyotes are well fed.

Last night, I was awakened by one howling in our back yard, which went on for about 15 minutes.

Other than that, they seem to cause no problem. Last spring, we had a young Coyote sunning himself by sitting up against a tree in the sun catching the reflective rays and warmth from them.

Last year, our neighbour's cat, who lives with two dogs and gets along well with them, was playing with a Coyote in our yard. He was chasing the Coyote. They were not running fast, just loping along.

I couldn't get my camera fast enough to get a picture, but I did get one of the bathing beauty.

Thank you so much, Ken, for your report and charming picture of the young Coyote sunning himself - he sure looks relaxed!

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Coyote sighting
by: Anonymous

Coyote running down Churchill Ave and around Queensdale school at 10:30 PM on June 18th 2018

2 Coyotes by Sir Allan MacNab
by: Anonymous

Spotted 2 coyotes when walking my dogs at 6 am, May 25, 2017. They were in the field by Sir Allan MacNab High School along fenceline by houses.

One in our neighbourhood
by: Anonymous

My husband has seen one at the park near our house on Lupin Close to Upper Gage and Fennell.

Hamilton Mountain Coyotes
by: Anonymous

I have videotaped a coyote in the fields behind my house between Upper James and Upper Wellington. I have been hearing their calls and howls for more than five months now!

Ken - be careful of cats and dogs!
by: LR

Very nice to read your post Ken, just wanted to say though, they may appear playful with cats and dogs, but they *will* also hunt them.

I'm sure the play behaviour is sometimes genuine, but it can also be part of a ruse to lure the pet cat or dog into complacency.

They're wild animals and they need fresh food to survive, so pets are easy pickings.

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