Have you ever wondered what other people around the world do at Halloween?
This is what we do here in Canada!
This festival has it's roots way back in the mists of time - some say that it dates back to the ancient Celtic festival of Samhain, which was a celebration of the end of the harvest season.
The Celts believed that October 31st was the day when the boundary between the living and the dead disappeared, and the dead became a danger to the living, sometimes known as the Eve of All Hallows.
Phew, heavy stuff!
Today, the Eve of all Hallows, is a time for children (and some adults) to stock up on candy, carve scary Pumpkins, dress up and have fun!
In the weeks leading up to October 31st, many people here decorate their homes with Pumpkins, pumpkin lights and scary hangings on walls and doors.
This house is decorated with Pumpkins and Scarecrows!
When I first arrived from England I did not know why everybody was dressing up and taking their children out to "Trick or Treat".
I was informed that "This is what we do here", so I painted a cat's nose and whiskers on the baby, and joined in!
Just before dusk, on October 31st, hoards of Witches and Goblins take to the streets, many of them will go door-to-door in their neighbourhood, and most of them will be taken by their parents.
These two little girls came round a couple of years ago - they had fun dressing up and I bet they collected lots of candy from the neighbours!
Here, when people turn on their front porch lights, that indicates that they have candy for the children who will be coming, and folks usually make a fuss of the children in their costumes.
Witches and Princesses, Ogres and Vampires, Clowns and Angels - the variety and ingenuity of the costumes always amazes me!
Many Elementary Schools in Canada have Parties for children in the days before Halloween.
Parents make sure that the kids are dressed in their costumes before they leave for school, and often parents send Halloween cookies and Candy for the children to share with their class-mates.
Here is a link to Halloween game that you, or your children, might enjoy!
Hey You! Yes, YOU!
Do you want to carve Pumpkins that will scare the neighbour's kids? Check out the links below and prepare to terrify the little darlings!
Free Pumpkin Carving Patterns for Halloween!
Boo! It's your lucky day! Here are three free simple pumpkin carving patterns to download
Ghosts-and-Stories.com - click here, if you dare!
Get comfortable, turn down the lights and prepare to be frightened - this deliciously dark website has stories that scare, tales that terrify and even videos of hauntings - really! Check it out!
Black Cat Clip art courtesy of DailyClipArt.net
Mar 10, 25 09:00 AM
Mar 07, 25 09:00 AM