Great Horned Owl, Ojibway complex, Windsor

by Daniel
(Windsor, Ontario, Canada)

Ojibway Park is part of the Ojibway complex, in the city of Windsor, Ontario.

Many people go there daily, children and families.

I go there for a good walk and shoot birds or deer with my camera.

In a rainy and dark afternoon I went there looking for bucks because is the rut season and it was dark. I found no deer but I heard the ho-o-woo of some owl.

After a wile I located the bird no too far from me. He was calling and some other was answering.

For some 20 minutes I did followed the birds and could get this pictures.

Hope you like them.

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Great Horned Owl, Ojibway Complex, Windsor
by: Anonymous

These are great photos! I am totally jealous of your awesome encounter. :)

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