Eagles - Balds and possible Goldens sighted
by Valerie, Tammy, Ben, Rick, Wendy
(Port Cunnngton, Pickering, Camlachie, Grafton, Allenwood Beach, Innisfil, Whitby, Brechin, Carlisle, Bruce Beach)
Bald Eagle in flight
We have recently had several readers report sightings of Bald Eagles and possibly Golden Eagles. The Golden Eagle is seldom sighted in Southern Ontario, but I have included the reports here, which you will find below in chronological order.December 25 2016 - Valerie says ... I saw a large Bald Eagle sitting on a frozen bay on Lake of Bays, Muskoka, near Haystack Bay marina on Christmas Day 2016.
Golden Eagle at Frenchmans Bay, Pickering, Ontario Tammy Mackey wrote ... Today Thursday January 12, 2017, a beautiful Golden Eagle was sighted atop large maple tree on Front Rd. adjacent to Progress East Park on Frenchmans Bay at approx. 4:30 today. He was huge and very healthy looking. What a sight for those who admired, watched and for those who got a photo. He'll be back I'm sure. My eyes will be watching the skies for this soaring bird of freedom ... a gift from nature ... so special.
Possible Golden Eagle, Ben Levert said ... on the morning of February 13 2017 noticed a huge bird with a rabbit in his talons. I have never seen a bird of this size around here. I believe it was a Golden Eagle. I live on the shoreline of Lake Huron, in Camlachie, Ontario. He was soaring just above the tree line. It was so incredible, I keep looking out the window for him. Just wondering if anyone else has seen this magnificent bird.
One of our readers wrote ... on February 13 2017 My Wife noticed a murder of crows in the tree outside our house in Grafton, Ontario, just outside of Cobourg. There was another much larger bird in the tree also but we could not see its front. My daughter took a photo of it on her phone. After the crows flew away I decided to go out and have a look from the road. She thought for sure it was an Owl and I thought maybe a Hawk. It had a much larger beak, as Hawks have a flat beak. Anyway no sooner than I got a good look at it, it took flight right over me. The first thing I noticed was the size of the talons on the mass of bird, no more than 30 feet above me. Second thing was the wing span had to be at least 6 feet. I thought it was coming at me for a split second, but it flew to some trees down the road. I came in the house and did some research and I am positive it was a Golden Eagle. I have to express some worry for my neighbors have cats and Golden Eagles can handle a lot more than just a cat.

February 20 2017 One of our readers reported ... Bald Eagle on ice at Allenwood Beach. Last summer I swore I saw a Bald Eagle fly over the cottage ... I could see a yellow bill and yellow legs/talons. It went over in such a quick flash I couldn't trust that I truly had seen a Bald Eagle. I googled Ontario nesting sites and it seemed possible that there was an Eagle in the area. It's 6 months later and we are sitting looking out at the iced lake and can see a large dark lumEagle! Just sitting and staring out at the water. It's been here for a few hours and is making it's way slowly down the edge of the ice towards new Wasaga beach. So amazing!!
February 22 2017 - White Eagle, by Rick ... On February 19th I was driving southbound on Hwy.400, at the Innisfil Onroute service centre. I saw what looked like a white Eagle sitting on top of one of the tall light standards. I have seen Osprey and Owls, but this large bird of prey was neither of these. It didn't just have a white head, its entire covering of feathers was white. Does anyone have any insight into what I saw?
Today, February 23 2017, I saw a Bald Eagle soaring over Baseline Road just on the east side of Whitby, Ontario, where the wetlands start. Very cool sighting.
March 6 2017 Eagle sighted in Brechin – one of our readers says ... I saw one today on Concession 12 right by 169 and county rd 46. Saw it up very close (in a tree right by the road and flew off when I was right beside it). The white tail with dark tips and mottled breast feathers were very apparent. And it was huge. Absolutely an eagle. I can easily identify Turkey Vultures and Hawks, I see them all the time. Very exciting!
Bald Eagle in Carlisle, Ontario - Wendy said ... A Bald Eagle sat in a tree along the creek's edge in early evening on March 27, 2017 - the white tail feathers and head were clearly visible and it remained for at least an hour.
Lake Huron, Bruce Beach, a reader said ... I believe I saw a Golden Eagle in Bruce County back in 2015 as well. Some friends saw it as well. It looked like part man part bird.