Dundas Possum
by Sara Sage Harrison
(Dundas, Ontario, Canada)

I live in the town of Dundas, Ontario, just outside of Hamilton.
I am just a 5 minute walk from downtown and we have a darling Possum I've named Polly!
She has been coming most evenings to feed on the leftovers under the bird feeders, I put a little dry cat food out for the Raccoons and I think she likes that too.
The first time I saw her this summer I couldn't believe how big and beautiful she was, such long light grey fur just like a cat and that gorgeous white face and long nose, I even like her tail.
I would love to know where she goes during the day, I have a lovely potting shed with a nice earthen space underneath so maybe she goes under there!
I am truly thrilled every time I see her, I used to live in eastern Ontario and we didn't have Possums there, so I just love it that they are here!