Dozens of Possums
by Lee, Fran, Kate, Paula, Laurie, Cathy, Jill, Barb, JRW, Les
(Blue Mountains, Pickering, Toronto, Hamilton, Brantford, Ajax, Kingston, Fort Erie, Innisfil, Colborne, London)
Back Yard Possum - Blue Mountains

Lee from the Blue Mountains saw a Possum in the back yard in Blue Mountains, and sent us a picture! Cute little bugger.
Fran from Pickering said ..... Last night at about 9:30 pm (dusk), a large Possum crossed the road on Finch Avenue just west of Brock Road. The Possum was coming from the Duffins Creek Park area and crossed to the trees along Finch Avenue. We recognized it as a Possum by its pointy head and long thin tail. It was moving quite fast and we had to swerve to avoid hitting it!. There was one run over in this area in the spring and we had a chance to get quite a good look at it! Lots of teeth, and it's ears were damaged from frost (we think). The next day the corpse was gone.
Kate, from Toronto told us ..... about 10:00 pm the Possum is wandering around a house. It is a big and calm animal. First time seeing for me. So exiting! This was Alhambra Ave in Toronto!
Paula from Hamilton, Ontario says ..... I saw a Possum in the morning, strolling in our backyard. It was pretty big.
Laurie from Brantford, Ontario, said ..... I was running a trail this morning in Brantford along the Grand River. I actually had to Google what I saw and sure enough, it was an opossum. He/she was quite large and it was at 10:00 am. It seemed to have been startled and crossed the trail in front of me. Total neat to see one though.
Cathy from Ajax, Ontario, wrote to tell us about her Possum sighting .....He or she was confronted by a cat, but just kept on walking along the fence!
A reader from Toronto says ..... I saw one in my back yard about 5:00 am June, 1st 2014. It was foraging in my flower beds, it just stood still and looked at me for a couple of minutes and then carried on. I watched it for about 10 minutes. It went under the fence into my neighbours yard to the west. I live near Yonge and Sheppard in North York, Toronto.
A reader from Kingston wrote to tell us about her Possum sighting, she said ..... It was a large white/grey Ppossum. It was unfortunately hit by a car.
Jill from Fort Erie, Ontario, wrote to say ..... I was walking home from Sobers at around 2am, and I noticed something in the corner of my eye, at first I wasn't sure what it was, and then realized it was a Possum. It was on Thompson Road, by the bridge. Somewhat larger than what I anticipated.
Barb from Innisfil, Ontario, wrote to say ..... We were sitting on our front porch here in northern Innisfil (Sandycove Acres) enjoying a rare warm day, when a Possum crossed the road in front of us. It was unusual because this was 4:30 pm!
JRW from Colborne, Ontario, says ..... Saw a possum 2 nights ago. Crossed the road in front of me, no mistaking it, he even stopped and stared right at me. He was 1/2 km west of The Big Apple in Colborne.
Les Petersen from London, Ontario, says ..... I have been informed of a Possum living under my porch I would appreciate info on how to trap and bait to use as I would like to relocate it thank you.
Thank you all for sending us these reports of your Possum sightings - I'm sure our readers will enjoy them as much as we do!
Les, I think if you use a live trap you should be able to catch one by using vegetables or meat ..... they eat a variety of foods. They are fairly harmless and don't cause much trouble.
I will also post this on our facebook page.