
by Robin Harrison
(St. Catharines, Ontario, Canada)

I see a pair of large hawks most days on a large aerial outside Shaver hospital in St. Catharines, Ontario.

Someone said they are Peregrine Falcons, but I would really like to know.

In flight, the underside or belly and wings look golden and the upper colours are dark brown with gold mixed.

The feet are yellow.

I'm not sure and I'm no expert, but I'm putting this out there and perhaps one of our readers will be able to identify your mystery birds!

I will also post this on our facebook page.

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Hawks at Shaver Hospital
by: Curious

Hi all who are interested in the hawks I was watching. I returned to the site armed with binoculars and a bird book. The hawks turned out to be Red Tails. Several of the nurses on staff confirmed it for me. Thanks for the interest. Robin

Possible Coopers Hawk
by: Anonymous

Hi Robin, I'm just curious. Did you happen to get a look at it's tail? I'm asking you because it does sound like a Coopers Hawk and they have black stripes along their tail.

Falcons or hawks
by: Darlene

Could be a Coopers Hawk. Huge, beautiful bird!

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