Coyotes love Kitties

by Troy McLaughlin
(Granton, Ontario, Canada)

June 26th 2014 Granton, Ontario.

I woke up at 12:10 am to sounds of patio furniture crashing around our front porch and our young male cat swearing his head off.

I ran downstairs and turned on the porch flood lights and there was a large female coyote standing 10' from my door and a scared cat hiding under the legs of a chair with cat fur every where.

I opened the front door and jumped off the porch making as much noise as I could.

The coyote was gone in a flash and last saw her jump clear over the electric fence across the road.

The cat had a sore paw and lots of bare patches, but seems to have learned to keep his head up outside.

We regularly hear a group of them during late spring and through the summer, and tonight, August 28, 2014 I was just walking back to the house from the road at 9:30 pm and a group of howlers started up across the road.

They've been hanging around the farmer's cattle all summer for some reason, and tonight he came out and fired off a couple shots and that seemed to clear them out.

I'm so glad your cat is safe, it probably would be wise to keep him in when possible - in some areas the Coyotes seem to take a lot of cats!

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Oro Station Coyotes
by: Anonymous

I hear Coyotes howling in the back bush about once every three weeks. The family cat has been missing since October 1 2015 and I think the Coyotes got her.

Coyotes love Kitties
by: Anonymous

Well said, I wish more people had the common sense to keep animals indoors at night. No reason for them to be roaming, pets are family. You wouldn't let your children roam at night so why your family pets. They don't deserve to have an untimely horrible death because of humans ignorance towards the wildlife we live amongst.

Coyotes love Kitties
by: Anonymous

I get tired of the bad rap Coyotes get when it comes to taking peoples cats or small dogs. If you truly love and care for your small pets welfare and are aware of Coyotes in the area, keep them inside at night for their own safety and comfort. Whether you live in the country or the city the land we have built our homes on is their territory along with all the other wildlife this beautiful country of ours has.

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