Coyotes in South London

by Sandra
(London, Ontario, Canada)

Our house is the last house on our street and backs onto a Conservation area with kettle ponds.

Over the 10 years I have lived here I have spotted several Coyotes walking right past my house, generally near dawn and often on garbage day!

They have all been single coyotes except for what looked like a mating pair once.

The last one I saw was a few years ago. My toddler son and I had just got back from taking my older son to the school bus stop.

I realized we had forgotten to put out the garbage that morning and asked my little guy to wait on the front step while I ran around back to our garage to retrieve the garbage cans.

As I was walking up the rear driveway I spotted a Coyote walking right past our house towards the front where my son was. (He was obviously hungry venturing out of the woods at 9:00 am) You can imagine my alarm!

I started making a lot of noise to scare him off and he kept walking further up the street looking around the yards and eventually he veered off into the easement.

What a way to start my day!

We also find many signs of coyote attacks on our property including tufts of bunny fur, (my son found a bunny tail the other day) and even a whole deer leg on our side lawn!

Something ran through our iron fence at the back of our property and judging by the size of the dent in the panel and the series of holes dug into our lawn we assumed it must have been a deer fighting off a coyote with its antlers?

Thank you Sandra, for sending this to us - this is really interesting!

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Why do people wait until children get killed before someone gets proactive?
by: Anonymous

This woman's child was very close to becoming mauled or killed by this predator, what is it going to take before people wake up, these things are not afraid of humans any longer and that means all the children's lives are at high risk. This saddens me that most people feel more empathy towards wildlife then they do towards their own species. Taylor Mitchell was mauled and killed by at least one pair of coy-wolf hybrids. These things are overpopulated, that is why they are coming into towns to eat, they are already killing off all their normal food. Its them that are overpopulated, not Humans.

Coyotes in the city
by: Anonymous

Coyotes have been moving into the cities for years and they are getting bolder and bolder. I live in Toronto and in a few cases coyotes have snatched small dogs right in front of their owners. I suspect a few cats have gone the same way. They are not afraid of humans anymore. Since they look like a medium size dog, people do not pay much attention when one walks by. So one has to constantly be alert when out for a walk. One giveaway is always the coyote looks back at you.
They stare at you and show no fear while they walk by you. So be careful.

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