Coyotes in Richvale Park

by Dianne
(Brampton, Ontario, Canada)

I was walking my dog this morning when we encountered a Coyote that had come out of Heart Lake Conservation Area and was in the baseball field near the end of the park.

My dog, I'm assuming, thought it was someone to play with and took off towards it.

They ran together in the field while I stood on the path screaming at the top of my lungs (I have heard that if you make loud noises they will not come near).

My dog then proceeded to run back to me and the Coyote followed.

I continued screaming and the Coyote stopped about 30 ft from me.

My dog and I walked off while the Coyote remained in the field.

If the building of houses would stop they could remain in their habitats but no, we just continue to build and build.

We should be ashamed of ourselves for continuously taking away these animals habitat!

Thank you for writing to tell us of your Coyote encounter, and I am glad your dog is okay.

One of the things that Coyotes will do is to lure family dogs by being playful with them and the dogs often follow them to "play" but unfortunately, there is often the rest of the group waiting in the bush for the unsuspecting dog.

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Re: Coyotes in Richvale Park
by: Anonymous

I'm glad your dog is okay. Maybe you should not let him off leash anymore, it is the law, and probably safer for him.

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