Coyotes in my yard

by Mary
(Kingston, Ontario, Canada)

I was putting out Easter candy when I heard a "screeching/howling" sound. I could tell the noise was getting closer, as it was loud enough that I was afraid it would wake up our kids.

I went to the door, turned on the outside light, and there on my front yard were seven Coyotes!

Some looked like juveniles, others were larger, so I called my husband to the door to see how close they were, he opened the door and they went silent.

He walked down the four steps from our door then suddenly turn and ran back in as they started growling.

Despite what "experts" say, I can tell you what I saw ..... there was a "pack" and they were acting aggressively, not shy and frightened.

I live in Edenwood Estates between Kingston and Glenburnie, Ontario.

This happened at 12:30 am Easter morning.

We have three dogs and four kids ..... yes, I'm now worried about letting any one of them outside!

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Take precautions
by: mike

Be Careful!

Caught in the act!
by: Tara

You and your husband may have stumbled upon their dinner time. It is possible they were on the hunt and may have mistaken your husband as possible competition for their food.

It's just my guess.

I would just keep an eye on things and contact someone knowledgeable about them before getting too worried.

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