Coyotes around the area

by John, Chris, L Dupuis, Jen, Lilly
(Innisfil, Milton, Orillia, Barrie, Galt-Cambridge, Kingsville)

John from Innisfil wrote to tell us ..... On my way to work this morning, August 13, 2014, a Coyote ran in front of me across the 10th line less than 300m West of the fire station. It was 7:50 am and the animal ran across the road, hopped into the field and was seen prancing for the first 50' until it slowed to a walk. It seemed to be quite healthy and not malnourished, contrary to the stories I have heard of Coyote sightings in the region.

Chris from Milton, Ontario, wrote to tell us ..... 11:00 pm, at Woodward and Elm Street. Talking with a friend in his driveway when a grey dog, medium size, skinny, long fur, bushy tail went trotting down Elm Street across Woodward, going south east. A few minutes earlier we heard what sounded like a cat fight, then the smell of skunk got strong a few minutes after. Five or so minutes later I spotted the dog/coyote running south east across Woodward along Elm and a few minutes later I left and 30 seconds down the road a skunk ran out in front of me.

L Dupuis said ..... My mother lives in an established urban area in southern Ontario. About 11:00 pm last night her cat that was sleeping on a chair next to the front door was attacked and mauled by a Coyote. She saw the entire thing through her storm door and it was barely a foot from her! The cat had to be put down. This seems pretty bold and aggressive to me.

A reader wrote to say ..... Three coyotes were roaming freely on Couchiching Golf club in Orillia, Ontario. They have become quite tame and they watch as you walk or ride a power cart.

Jen wrote
to tell us ..... We live in Barrie in a neighbourhood very close to the Ardagh Bluffs and our home backs on to a protected greenspace area. Today at about 1:30 pm in the afternoon, I was looking out the kitchen window towards the back and noticed something pop out from under one of the huge evergreen trees behind our house in the greenspace area. At first, I couldn't make out what it was, but at first glance thought it was a Coyote, so I called my husband to come look. The Coyote came out again and we both witnessed it walk through the greenspace behind our home. I did get a picture, but the foliage is very thick, so it didn't turn out well. I knew there were Coyotes in the area, but that's the first time I've seen one here. We have a groundhog that lives behind our house, so I'm hoping it didn't find it. The groundhog has been here for years and we enjoy watching him walk around back there :) The Coyote was right in the area where it's holes are. We also have tons of bunnies, so I'm sure there was a plethora of food sources for it.

Lilly from Galt Cambridge, Ontario wrote to say ..... I was just driving down Concession Street and stopped at a red light at the corner of Water Street, when I saw a Coyote crossing the street heading to a vacant lot. It had a rabbit in its mouth. I am not 100% sure it was a Coyote or a small fox. Strangest thing to see. This was on Wednesday 9:30 pm. May 14, 2014.

A reader said ..... We have heard coyotes several times in the last week. We live adjacent to Kingsville Golf and Country club

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Barrie Ontario Coyotes
by: Anonymous

In the last 3 weeks I have spotted many coyotes: Twice this week in Sunnidale Park, once in Midhurst walking down a residential road, twice on the trails in Midhurst. They are not shy, they do not run away from people. Luckily I only had my small dog with me twice and I picked it up and backed up. It is pretty damn scary - I just bought pepper spray to protect myself.

Young Coyote near lake in Kingsville
by: Anonymous

At 4 am this morning I saw a probably about 5 month old Coyote limping in Kingsville, Ontario, near the lake by the Kingsville dock. It was looking for food and came close to my car. I didn't see the mother anywhere, unless it was hiding. The young Coyote was smelling people's garbages.

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