Coyote in Oxford and Brant counties

by Angry
(Woodstock, Ontario)

I was driving on the 403 towards Woodstock, Ontario from Brantford, and I saw a Coyote on the side of the highway.

A big female, appeared like she was ready to have a litter or in the midst of having it. Swollen teats and all.

This was in January of 2012, about 4:30 PM. She looked as if looking for road kills or, possibly just looking for a break in traffic in order to cross the road.

Beautiful specimen if you ask me.

This question of culling should be applied to the whiny humans that have invaded their territory, and not the other way around.

Typical people wanting to kill something that was here first, they must have run out of people to harass, or something.

More humans have caused damage than Coyotes in the history of the world, and people can't even work birth control or abstinence, but they think they can manage wildlife. What a joke!

Thanks, Angry, for your submission to our website.

You are obviously passionate about this subject, but I hope you understand that much as I wanted to publish it here, I did have to clean it up a little before I put it on our website!

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No Problems
by: Snyder

Came across one up by Twin Valley Brantford, by highway 403 to Hamilton two summers ago. I was on my bike and stopped when I saw it. We just stared at each other for about a minute before I went on my way.

I've never had problems with them and didn't then. They're beautiful animals, but unfortunately had a bad reputation for attacking a handful of people each year and depleting livestock.

Coyote attack,...
by: Anonymous

I agree with the comment of invading Coyote territory. The child attacked is very unfortunate, but this area, if known for coyote sightings, should be given the warnings more clearly about their presence. I really hope the child recovers fully, but if we don't mess with them, they have no reason to bother with us, or vice versa. Just a personal opinion. I just happen to love wildlife.

To Angry
by: coyote hunterAnonymous

Hello "Angry".

Did you happen to catch the news a few days ago?

Seems a cute and cuddly Coyote jumped a backyard fence and attacked an eight year old girl.


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