Coyote In Grimsby

by Two readers
(Grimsby, Ontario, Canada)

Two of our readers have had Coyote sightings in Grimsby recently - here they are.

Eric tells us ..... I looked out my window and it was just running down the middle of the street, good thing I didn't have my chihuhuahs out for a pee!

This was about 4:30 in the morning, Ive seen Foxes but never a Coyote around here, this side of town is quite a ways away from the escarpment area, which is where I'm assuming it came from!

Another readers tells us ..... Last evening (February 27, 2011), a Coyote was spotted running through our town-house community close to downtown Grimsby. It passed a woman with 2 large dogs and another male with a small dog. It did not seem to want to be disturbed and kept moving quickly on its way.

Thanks for your input!

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by: Anonymous

I leave work at about 11:15pm and ride my bike home, and every night since Sunday November 4 2012 I have seen 7 coyotes every time I go home.
They are down on the service road just as it turns into Baseline Road in Grimsby.
As I go by they watch me.
What can be done about them?

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