Black Coyote in Caledon

by Rob Oakman
(Caledon, Ontario, Canada)

I was driving West along Old School Road between Chinguacousey Road and McLaughlin Road in Caledon, Ontario, the week before Christmas at approximately 9:30 am when I spotted a Black Coyote about 30 meters to the North in a farmers field.

The animal was walking towards the East. As I slowed to look, the animal noticed my truck slowing and changed course to the North to open the gap between us.

He traveled approximately another 10 or 15 meters before he stopped and looked back at me where I had stopped.

Unfortunately another vehicle came by and I was forced to move and clear the road. I returned about 30 minutes later after a stop to find the animal about the same distance from the road and just to the East of where it had been when I left.

I stopped again and the animal again moved away to the North another 10 or 15 meters then stopped and looked back at me.

I took a photo using my iphone. The distance meant the photo is not very good but having been very close to many Coyotes in the area and by how close I was initially I can say with confidence that this was a Black Coyote. The shape of the face and body, the movement and behavior all were quite clear.

I have not seen the animal since.

Thank you for this report of your Coyote sighting - I enjoyed reading this and know our readers will too!

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In my backyard
by: Anonymous

Live near Laurel, northwest of Orangeville and have forest behind horse paddocks and barn. Noticed a rather large all black Coyote (likely a hybrid cross) several times in early morning. Very bold. Took a lot to scare him off.

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