Bald Eagles in Southern Ontario
by David, Ron, Christine, Linda, Jacqui, Greg, NK, Tom, Shervin
(Oakville, Wasaga Beach, Beamsville, Barrie, Mississauga, Bruce County, Meaford, Hamilton)
Bald Eagle
David Turner wrote to say ... I am a municipal bus driver in Oakville, Ontario and although not a bird enthusiast, I know a Bald Eagle when I see one and was surprised to see one circling 20 feet over the old post office on Church street on Monday, March 18th. The time was 11:22 am, sun and cloud, 4 degrees celsius, wind from the northwest.
Ron Nadolny from Wasaga Beach said ... I spotted a Bald Eagle perched on a tall tree on the north side of Hwy 26 about 1 km north of the Wasaga roundabout. It was being pestered by several crows. I didn't stop, but on my return trip from Collingwood, 45 minutes later, it was still in the same spot, this time with only one crow bothering it.
Christine wrote to tell us ... I just live in the edge of the escarpment in Beamsville and have had a Bald Eagle fly over my property twice in the last few days! We have lived here 5 years and I have never seen one here before! First time was really high and today was right over my back wooded area.
Linda from Barrie wrote to say ... I recently observed a juvenile Bald Eagle fighting with a
Turkey Vulture for carrion in a field in north Barrie. Have also sighted an adult on a light post near Little Lake in Barrie.
Jacqui from Mississauga wrote ... Flamborough - My parents have a farm close to the African Lion Safari. Over the past year or so, there has been a mating pair of Bald Eagles that regularly visit / fly over the farm. They perch in various trees and just sort of hang out. I was visiting one Sunday afternoon (July 14th) and the Bald Eagles were occasionally flying over the back part of the farm. What was absolutely funny was that the crows and red-winged blackbirds were TOTALLY harassing these big birds. They would swoop down from above and try to chase the eagles out of the territory. I think a few times, the smaller birds actually made contact with the eagles, but they were very careful to avoid the big, taloned feet. My family and I just laughed our heads off and were delighted to see the spectacle. My Dad, who grew up in The Netherlands during WWII, said it reminded him of the big WWII bombers being attacked by the Messerschmitt fighters. :) We had plenty of time to take a picture, but we see them all the time now, so I didn't take one. I'll try to remember next time ... we were just enjoying the moment.

N.K. from Mississauga said ... I was driving on the 407 westbound between Derry and Britannia and saw a pair of Bald eagles sitting in a tree.. Amazing!
Greg from Bruce County wrote ... I approached while driving a large bird eating roadkill on Grey Bruce Line (20 minutes southwest of Owen Sound) mid July 2019. I assumed it was a Turkey Vulture; wrong, it was a big beautiful & majestic Bald Eagle. It flew up and circled the road; no more than 100 ft up. Close enough to get a good view! I pulled over and attempted to take a picture. No luck. The Eagle was being pestered and trailed by a small bird as it flew from my sight.
Tom Buck from Meaford reported ... After several years of no sightings we have recently seen Bald Eagles soaring above the western shore of Nottawasaga Bay. Occasionally they are observed perched on tree tops along the shore on the Meaford Tank Range property. They are majestic birds and it is exciting to see their population recovering.
Shervin from Hamilton wrote ... I was out on my stand-up paddle board in Jordan harbor when I noticed a very large bird soaring overhead. At first I thought it was a
Turkey Vulture but then it dove down and snatched a fish out of the water. It was close enough that we saw the distinct white head and tail. My wife looked down at the murky water and said “How did it spot that fish? I can’t see anything below the surface.” I said “Well, it does have eagle eyes.”