Bald Eagles in Mississauga

by Alyson Shoss
(Mississauga, Ontario, Canada )

Mississauga Bald Eagle

Mississauga Bald Eagle


I was driving home on the 407 approaching Brittania Road, when I noticed two large birds that appeared to be Bald Eagles in an old dead tree at the edge of the water shield.

I wasn't aware that Bald Eagles were in Ontario. So, living fairly close by, I drove home grabbed my camera and returned to where I saw them, they were still there!

So carefully getting out of the car in a busy highway, I took several photos and stayed for a long time in hopes that they would take off, but no such luck today!!

Fearing for my safety at the side of the highway, I figured I had stayed long enough, and decided I had to leave.

Now I will be looking for this pair every time I pass by that spot.

I'm sure it's good hunting grounds. Which any luck they will stick around. It made my day!

What an awesome sight!!

I know our readers will enjoy your report and picture of that magnificent Bald Eagle, and I will also post this on our facebook page so that our facebook followers can also enjoy this.

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Bald eagle
by: Anonymous

I saw one of the bald eagles today around 3:15pm on the little island on the natural stream that runs through the natural green space between Ninth Line and highway 407.

Glen Erin trail at Folkway drive
by: LC

Hi - I saw 2 together yesterday around 5 o'clock.
It is so great to see them so close to some houses. They were near where a lot of ducks are staying in Sawmill Creek, they stayed a long time on a branch. Enjoy if you are passing by. It was right in the front of a bench where we can sit down.

Large Bald Eagle R. K. Mcmillan Park
by: GM

January 21, 2023
8:30 am. Very impressive and inspiring sight on a crisp morning.

Britannia Rd and Ninth Line (407 area)
by: Pj

Saw one here in my neighborhood a few weeks ago. I was delighted to see it for the first time as I didn't expect to see one here. Bald Eagles fortunately are now delisted from endangered list in Ontario. This year alone I've had 3 sightings already - one here in my neighborhood, another in Sault Ste. Marie and one in Kingston.

Bald Eagle
by: mike wanna

Last week when we were golfing at Brae Ban Golf Course we saw bald eagle on the 7th hole

Eagle in Mississauga Meadowvale/Streetville
by: Anonymous

I have not gone back but I am sure there was a nest on Mississauga Rd area. Now my brother was walking the dog on the path around Derry and Glen Erin and he was stopped in his track with others on the path cause out of the bushes/trees it came out with a squirrel.
I haven't published the exact area where you saw the nest because there are always some people who would try to get too close and I have even known of people who tried to steal the Eagle's eggs

Bald Eagle Spotted
by: Anonymous

December 2 2022, Spotted a Bald Eagle off Creditview Road just North of Britannia Road W, by the Credit River. Captured a few photos with my cell phone. So beautiful to see these repopulating.

Bald Eagle. Credit River
by: Tracey

I saw a juvenile Sept 23 credit river at Dundas, I saw an adult exact same spot Sept 30
I got photos but don’t know how to attach to this site. I was thrilled!!
If you go to our "Bald Eagle" page and scroll down to where it says "Enter Your Title", you can tell us when, where you saw the Eagle and any other information that our readers might enjoy reading, and you can attach up to three pictures!

Bald Eagle Ontario
by: Anonymous

I have seen the bald eagle at Britannia and 407 about 8 times in the mornings between 8-9am. It is regularly there. I have even had the chance to see it fly.

Bald Eagle sighting 407 and Brittania
by: Michelle

Don’t use this extension of the 407 often but when I do I always sight one bald eagle perched on the dead tree near Brittania Road in Mississauga. So amazing to see them flourish in southern Ontario. Hope to stop and get a few pictures one day! July 31, 2022.

Bald Eagle at Lionhead Golf Course
by: Anonymous

I saw a Bald Eagle while playing golf at Lionhead in October 2021

Port Credit - Bald Eagle
by: Anonymous

Saw Bald Eagle 8am February 22.
Hurontario Street and Lakeshore.

Bald Eagle sighting
by: Anonymous

I saw what I thought was a pair of Bald Eagles flying in the Erindale area overlooking the Credit River 3 days ago. But by the time I got outside with my binoculars they were gone. Just now they reappeared and I made it out in time for a closer look. Could not see the head clearly, it was so high up, but the wing span and silhouette was unmistakable. I’m pleased to read these other reports of sightings in the area. This is very exciting and encouraging. Such a majestic sight.

Bald Eagle Credit River
by: Anonymous

Saw a Bald Eagle fly over the Credit River by Port Credit.

Bald Eagle at Credit River
by: Peter

I saw a Bald Eagle in the Credit River valley just north of the QEW. Someone I met on the ice said he has seen one and I saw it about 15 minutes later, it was quite a surprise, I didn't think that there were any in the GTA. I saw that there were quite a few posts about seeing a Bald Eagle in the Credit River area near the lake. This was February 5 2022.

Huge Bald Eagle in Milton, Derry Road and Regional Road 25
by: Anonymous

I was driving and saw a huge bird flying flying above a farmer's field, then was scoping out the valley of 16 Mile Creek. Was completely psyched to see one in Southern Ontario! It was around 3:00 pm yesterday January 2nd 2022.

Bald Eagle sightings along the 407
by: Anonymous

I have seen the pair of Bald Eagles throughout the summer months of 2021 along the 407 between the Brittania and Derry exits travelling eastbound (the highlight during Covid-19 times for me) Perhaps on 8-10 occasions. I haven’t spotted them since mid September (despite many times travelling that route) and wondered if anyone has caught sight of them after that date at this location? I read that they generally they don’t migrate south until later in the year when the waterways freeze over?

2 Bald Eagles circling above ravine 401 and Second Line
by: Chris

I'm still in awe after seeing 2 Bald Eagles at the west end of the Second Line pedestrian bridge. It was their loud calls that attracted my attention. Looking up I saw them circling above the ravine rather low. They definitely looked at me. 🦅🦅❤

by: Anonymous

I saw two Bald Eagles today (10/16/2021) at approximately 4:00 pm. They were flying north along the Credit River at Vic Johnsons.

Flying south
by: NKK

Along Credit River at Burnhamthorpe Bridge, 10 October 2021.

Bald Eagle Sept 12/21
by: Jeff

I just saw a beautiful Bald Eagle off the 407 close to the Derry Road exit. In the wetlands there. I couldn’t believe my eyes. Just an awesome sight. Made my day😀 I’ll drive extra slow through that section in hopes of seeing him (or her) again!

Bald Eagles near 407
by: Anonymous

I saw 2 Bald Eagles perched in a tree off the 407 by Britannia and they were absolutely amazing! So glad I have other to verify this sighting.

August 14 2021 - Bald Eagle
by: Anonymous

Just saw a Bald Eagle when canoeing down the Credit River in Port Credit. So amazing!

Bald Eagle Sighting
by: Anonymous

August 9th, Seen the two eagles at 407 and Britannia Road, beautiful.

Bald Eagle in Lorne Park
by: Anonymous

Beautiful Bald Eagle over Lorne Park - Tecumseh Park & Springhill this morning. Was eventually chased off by the resident Red Tail Hawks.

Nature at its' BEST
by: Ruby

Bald Eagle seen by Old Derry. Awesome, majestic bird. I have never seen one in Mississauga. Simply spectacular!!

Bald eagle sighting
by: Anonymous

Just spotted a Bald Eagle at the bridge on Old Derry Road in the Old Meadowvale district of Mississauga. It was riding the thermals and was quite low at times.

Eagle sighting in Milton
by: Alyson

Was driving in area of Louis St. Laurent Ave & Thompson Road when a Bald Eagle took flight from a pond area! Incredible sight!

Eagle sighting Lakefront Promenade Jan.11, 2021
by: Anonymous

Pretty sure it was an American Bald Eagle that I saw chasing seagulls at Lakefront Promenade in Mississauga today Jan. 11th, 2021. Never saw an eagle around here before except about a month, ago in the same spot I was walking and saw something out of the corner of my eye falling from a big tree above me. I thought it was a branch but as I got closer, saw it was a fresh bloody seagull head with only part of back and wings still attached. I looked up and saw what I thought was a really big hawk near the top. Didn’t get too good a look before it flew off that time, but probably was this eagle.

Eagle sighting!
by: Connie

Saw one on Lakefront promenade.

Still here
by: Anonymous

What an amazing site. Thought I saw one two weeks ago but it was too far away to be certain. Sitting in my house today at Ninth Line and Britannia, it circled over perhaps 80 feet away. Wow.

Quite the surprise!!
by: Anonymous

I saw this pair of bald eagles yesterday! I couldn’t believe my eyes and wondered if they were fake! Same pair on hwy 407 near Britannia and in the old dead tree!! This was on July 28, 2020. I had to see if anyone else spotted them.

Bald Eagle
by: Diana

Saturday July 18, 2020 I was driving on the 407 near Brittania and spotted what I thought was a bald eagle in the marsh area. So glad to know I wasn't seeing things. They are truly a majestic birds.

Bald Eagle
by: Diana

Saturday July 18, 2020 I was driving on the 407 near Brittania and spotted what I thought was a Bald Eagle in the marsh area. So glad to know I wasn't seeing things. They are truly a majestic birds.

Bald Eagle Sighting
by: Anonymous

Filmed a bald eagle circling low over the Credit River next to Streetsville Vic Johnson Arena today.

Sept 2 2019
by: Anonymous

Can confirm they are both still there as of Thursday! Glad to know I'm not seeing things!

I’ve seen baldies near there too
by: Anonymous

I saw one bald eagle on the shore of 407 marsh at Britannia, with what was probably a fish. I’ve also seen a pair of bald eagles in a tree back along the 407 near Burlington or Oakville on the north side of the 407. So cool they are close to Mississauga.

Saw one of them today and a couple of weeks ago
by: Anonymous

I was really surprised to see bald eagles in the GTA too. I'm thinking of keeping my DSLR in my car now so that I can get a good picture next time I see them.

Bald Eagle sighting at 407 & Britannia
by: Anonymous

I just saw the Bald Eagle perched near the 407 and Britannia exit!! Very exciting indeed!

Multiple bald eagles at 407 and Britannia??
by: Anonymous

March 2018 was the first time I saw the Eagle. Maybe 6 months later I saw two, and this week I was driving past on the 407 at Britannia and I saw a Bald Eagle feeding on something beside the creek. The next day I drove past again and saw two large birds in a tree, but no white on them, but I’m pretty sure they were young bald eagles. Can anyone confirm?

I wouldn't be surprised if they were young Bald Eagles, we have had many reports of people seeing Balds at Britannia and the 407 so they are likely nesting not too far away.

There's one report of sightings near the 407 on this page Bald Eagle in Mississauga, and another one here Bald Eagle Sightings, and another in the comments on this page More Ontario Bald Eagles.

Bald Eagle
by: Anonymous

Just saw Bald Eagle at 407 and Britannia.

Bald Eagle near Britannia
by: Anonymous

I saw a Bald Eagle on the 407 by Britannia too! I couldn’t believe my eyes!

Saw the Bald Eagle
by: Dee

I just saw a Bald Eagle exactly where you spotted it but was sitting on the bank of the water and I waited 10-15 minutes until it took flight. Loved it!!

Did I just see a pair of Bald Eagles in Port Credit?
by: Anonymous

I have now seen two very large birds in my neighborhood in Port Credit / Mineola a number of times. I can not confirm that they are Bald Eagles, as they are flying either too high or too fast for me to notice their white heads. Yesterday, May 23, 2019, at about 6:45 pm, I saw the pair fly over the length of my backyard, about 40 feet in the air, heading towards the Port Credit River. Just wondering if anyone else has noticed this pair in the last few weeks.

Maybe other readers will have seen this pair and will let us know ... check back soon.

2019 Sighting
by: Anonymous

Saw a pair in same area, same tree resting spot just 2 weeks ago.
Made my heart so happy!

Bald Eagle
by: Anonymous

I’ve seen them on the 407 near Britannia since the spring/summer/fall of 2017. 2017 and 2018 I saw them in a pair.
I just saw one of them back today - March 23 2019. They must go somewhere else in the winter because this is my first sighting along there. The one Bald Eagle was on the ground and then flew off and was soaring over Britannia and 9th line.

Pair sighting at Britannia Road / 407
by: Anonymous

I saw the pair this week (8/13), one (8/16), one 8/17

Amazing sighting in Mississauga
by: Anonymous

I was driving on the 407 yesterday (August 8th) going east, and saw both Bald Eagles in the same tree in the same field!! It was evidently two Bald Eagles that sat perched on the tree so stoic with their dark bodies and white heads! I didn't stop as I was afraid for my safety on the highway but it was an incredible sight. Never have I ever seen Bald Eagles close to the city. The last time I saw Bald Eagles they were flying overhead the ocean in PEI! Amazing.

Eagles along 407
by: Anonymous

Just saw two yesterday August 8, 2018

Bald Eagles in Mississauga
by: Anonymous

Saw them both today - still two :)

Only One?
by: Anonymous

I have been by the same area many times so far, but I only ever see one Eagle. I’m wondering if the other did not survive the winter, or even worse was taken as a trophy. The new construction of the park at their site may also cause an issue, sad to think. I will continue to watch for them!!
Hopefully one day I will see both!

Bald Eagle
by: Anonymous

Just saw one today with some sort of prey in his talons. Flew over us while travelling eastbound on Britannia at the 407. No doubt it was a Bald Eagle as we have seen many on the BC coast

Me too
by: sjd7aa

Saw likely the same (2) last fall/17, same spot. And I cursed myself for not pulling over to take a picture, as I didn't expect to see them again. Lo and behold, today 6/6/18 I drove by the watered area to the side of #407 and there was one eagle at water's edge, hanging out with some geese. And was late for a meeting so I still couldn't stop to take a picture :/

I think I saw the same Eagle
by: Anonymous

Hello. I was just driving home from work going east on the 407 on the right hand side. Just before Britannia Road I saw a Bald Eagle on the iced over pond trying to get at something. Traffic was heavy so I could not pull off, but I did another lap around and the eagle was still there. Very impressive to see.

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