Bald Eagle sightings from Brighton to Goderich
by Scott Rickerby, Mike, Danny, Jeff
(Brighton, Alliston, London, Sarnia, Goderich)

Scott wrote to tell us about his Bald Eagle sighting on January 8 2014 .....Today I was working on a house, I looked out south window and saw the unmistakable Bald Eagle. It looked like a smaller one. It was soaring in front of a low pressure system coming in from lake Ontario. This has been an extremely rare occurance . Clear blue sky -12c, no wind. It was the day after the wicked blast of polar wind. Beautiful bird. Everything coated in ice, it was lunch time.
A reader from Alliston, Ontario wrote to say ..... Saw a male Bald Eagle flinging out of the Helicopter Club on highway 11 just south of Bradford on December 31, 2013 around 11 am. He was beautiful.
Jeff from Sarnia, wrote to say he saw a Bald Eagle at the St. Clair River, he writes ..... I witnessed a Bald Eagle flying on the Sarnia / Canada side of the St. Clair river down by Chemical Valley. I thought it was a Hawk but it flew close to my window and it was definitely an Eagle, which prompted me to see if there where other Eagle sightings in the area. I wish I had snapped a pic on my i-phone.... I will be more prepared next time!
Mike from London, Ontario, told us ..... On December 30, 2013 at approximately 3:30 pm, my wife and I spotted two Bald Eagles in a field on the west side of Westdel Bourne, just north of Sharon Road. They were quite large and majestic.
On January 3, 2014 Danny from Goderich, Ontario, wrote to tell us about ..... Bald Eagles flying along Lake Huron - I live in Princess Huron Resort and we are beside Lake Huron (Goderich area) We can see the lake and several times over the past week I have seen two Eagles flying along the coast line from the Bluewater beach area to Black's Point. They have been in this area for the past several weeks and we spot them daily .
Thank you so much for these reports, we have been receiving at least one report each day, of Bald Eagles in Southern Ontario!