Bald Eagle diving for fish 30' from me
by Tim
(Toronto, Ontario, Canada)

August 2016 - Lake Simcoe - Ontario - Tim reported ... I saw and experienced the most amazing animal interaction first hand on Lake Simcoe this summer 2016!
It was one of the hottest summers on record, and I was wading waist high in the shallow waters of Lake Simcoe in August. Quietly standing in the water alone and staring along the waterline enjoying the sun's heat and rays glistening over flat calm water.
A large bird flew into the water about ten steps from me (30'). It disappeared totally, coming out of the water again 2 seconds later flapping its wings. It also had a big fish in its talons - about 12 - 14 inches long - I was so close I could see it was a bass, and heavy, likely 1.5 to 2 lbs.
Luckily for me, if that wasn't lucky enough, the Eagle, after emerging from the water with the big bass, flew in a tight circle over top of me a couple times to gain altitude with the struggling fish, before it was high enough to fly to a distant tree top about 1000 meters away.
The action only feet away was mesmerizing, to put it mildly. I have seen Bald Eagles before, however only from a distance and usually hovering above or sitting in tree tops.
I have seen Osprey and Hawks and Falcons, and Vultures and this was nothing like those birds. It was a juvenile Bald Eagle just getting its white head cover.
Its wingspan was 6 - 8 feet, and was straight out with the feather ridges running tethered from tip to tip.
I saw the Eagle one more time after that, this time from dry land while on the dock. This time I studied the bird instead the intense action taking place, and can confirm it was an Eagle at Lake Simcoe (45 mintutes from Toronto).
Thank you for sending us this report of your Eagle sighting - how exciting!
I will also post this on our facebook page.