awesome big bird soaring

by Judy
(Scarborough, Ontario, Canada)

Around 9:15 - 9:30 on the morning of Wednesday June 12, I was driving westbound along Bloor Street. I was stopped at a red light at Sherbourne Street, when I noticed a bird coming from the north flying southerly of those junctures.

I thought it was a pigeon at first but as I watched I realized that guy is too big to be a pigeon.

As I followed him in my sight, he was soaring in wide circles, I'm not sure but I thought him to be reddish and his tail looked like a v cut out.

So graceful in flight as he disappeared out of my view over the buildings, then I saw him again and finally gone as my light changed.

I have heard of hawks and falcons living in our city.

I just feel so lucky to have witnessed the majesty and splendour of this beautifully stunning bird, what ever it was.

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Sounds like a Falcon
by: Joey

From your description, it sounds like a Falcon. Lucky you!

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