A strange bird at our back door
by Wendy F
(Southern Niagara)
We had a visit from a Robin-size black bird with a fluffy head and white banding at the bottom of his tail feathers.
The tail feathers are rounded, his beak is medium length and he doesn't have much else in distinguishing features.
We thought maybe he was a Woodpecker as there are quite a few here in southern Niagara, but another friend said maybe a Wren of some type.
He spent a couple of days trying to fly through our windows, presumably to get at his reflection.
Any idea what family he might belong to?
I was unable to get a picture of him as he would fly off to the nearest tree when we got close and vent his displeasure at us.
Hmmm..... I'm not sure what this could be, but I bet one of our readers will know.
I doubt it will be a Wren as they are much smaller than a Robin, more sparrow-sized or smaller.
Dear Readers - If you can any idea what this bird might be, please let us know in the comments below - thank you!